News for October 26 — Zero COVID Continues; COVID Messaging

Zero COVID continues after congress: . As expected, Xi’s consolidation of power has further entrenched this unsustainable policy. The approach will further weaken the Chinese economy.

WSJ: We just realized there’s a respiratory disease trifecta right now: .

US politicians avoid COVID messaging: . With every passing day, politics becomes less and less about actual governance.

Cancer drug effective in trials: . While the MYC gene does cause rapid tumor growth, it is also a factor in other cancers such as lymphoma.

Climate change as global health threat: .

WSJ: Inflation is hard to define: . Sigh. I disagree. The problem right now is that most modeling, particularly government modeling, is based on the starting point that past trends will project forward. The pandemic caused massive economic disruption globally. That will take a while to sort out. In my view, that increases the likelihood that inflation will be persistent.

Bank of Canada adopts lower-than-expected 50 basis point increase: . WSJ: . The US stock market briefly rallied on this news, only to fall back when it realized Canada’s economic data is different than the US’s (DUH!!). The US bulls are trying to time the bottom of the market. In my view, they are way too early.

WSJ: US new home sales tank: .

WSJ: Chip demand melts: . Supply chain disruption is going to continue for a host of smart products. More: .

Heavy fighting continues in eastern Ukraine: . It certainly appears that fighting on the existing fronts is intensifying as winter approaches.

Will Kherson be the fiercest battle of the war?: . This article seems skeptical, mentioning the mind games the two sides play in their announcements to the press. I am also skeptical, since as previously noted the territorial fighting force does not seem like a workable fighting force.

WSJ: Ukraine continues to plead for more air defense systems: .

Florida judge orders DeMentis to turn over migrant flight records: . Part of Ronnie’s “strategy” apparently involves getting into as much legal trouble as Orange Julius. He’s doing a helluva job.

No US-born black players in 2022 World Series: . Jackie Robinson broke the major league color barrier in 1947. However, for the first time since 1950, there will be no US-born black players in the World Series since 1950.

DOJ antitrust investigation into professional golf: . We reported previously on the antitrust litigation stew between PGA and LIV. The entry of the DOJ could completely upend the current litigation.