News for April 21 — XBB.1.16 Now 9.6% of US Cases

XBB.1.16 now 9.6% of US cases: . The new strain, known as “Arcturus”, continues its apparent rise to dominance.

Supreme Court keeps mifepristone available, for now: . WSJ: More: . Still more: . This result reflects typical Supreme Court thinking, which is to preserve the status quo while lower court litigation completes, unless there is clear danger in the present situation. Here, there was obvious danger to present medical practice. The Amarillo decision relied on the present danger to “unborn humans”, which is not currently the legal status of fetuses.

This likely puts the final decision off for a year. While the Fifth Circuit has set argument on the merits for a rather accelerated date of May 17, the current Supreme Court term ends around the end of June. The Fifth Circuit is unlikely to rule by then. When they do, the matter is likely to return to the Supreme Court next term.

We now see that Alito’s two-day extension was to give himself time to write a dissenting opinion. That opinion attracted only Clarence Thomas. The silence of the other 7 makes Alito something of an outlier here.

WSJ: Global growth increases inflation worries: .

WSJ: Fed rethinks loosened rules for midsized banks: . The article is unclear on what it means by securities. The reference to the SVB sale of securities appears to refer to their sale of US Treasury bonds which lost value as interest rates rose. The assumption had been that these banks could hold the bonds to maturity without loss. That does not work when depositors withdraw their accounts.

Supply chain may be shifting away from China: . Foreign manufacturers in China have decreased their exports by 16.3% in the first quarter as compared to the first quarter last year. So the “two axes” realignment of global trade continues.

Russia’s air force accidentally bombs Russian city: . WSJ: More: . How exactly did this happen? These guys have maps, right? The article suggests that the Russians may have released a gliding bomb with GPS targeting that then failed to glide. If so, it was incredibly stupid to release such a device over a populated area. We may never have a reasonable explanation from the Russians.

WSJ: US will begin training Ukrainians on Abrams tanks next month: .

US begins 6G network planning process: WSJ: .

WSJ: Supreme Court looks at “home equity theft”: . The cases discussed are an outrageous practice against vulnerable home owners.

House GOP finally produces a budget proposal, which is dead on arrival: . The Yahoo writer misses the point here. The House GOP proposal is just Kevin McCarthy fulfilling the promises he made to win the Speakership. No Democrat will vote for any rollbacks of the Inflation Reduction Act, which the progressives regard as their most significant victory in a long time.

The real drama is whether the House GOP will be able to pass this proposal. My guess is they will, but the bill will go no farther. The real fight will then become how long the debt ceiling is extended for. McCarthy offered a one-year extension, which would put the next increase in the middle of the GOP primaries next year. That does not seem like a good idea.

McCarthy may be trying to appease the conservatives, saying they will get another crack at this next year. However, that is essentially Kevin’s problem and no one else’s. It is likely that some bone will be thrown to McCarthy so that both sides can say they won, the debt ceiling will pass with a term to be determined, and then the budget fight will commence in earnest.

House GOP, Manhattan DA reach agreement on ex-prosecutor’s testimony: . WSJ: More: . Mr. Pomerantz remains in legal jeopardy under this agreement, because Jordan can rule against Pomerantz’s refusal to answer any question.

Former Louisiana Supreme Court justice overseeing Catholic archdiocese bankruptcy sinks into an ethics swamp of his own making: . The contributions are enough of an ethics problem, but the recent timing is just appalling. The standard we’ve all been raised with is “appearance of bias”.

Right now, the bad appearance is so obvious, it feels like the judge knowingly did this thinking he would not get caught. He should have recused himself already, because we all know what the opinion should say. This behavior is even worse than Clarence Thomas (wow), because there is a major matter in front of the judge involving the bankruptcy of a church to which he makes large contributions, and his rulings have consistently favored the church.

UPDATE: The judge refuses to recuse himself: . What panel said “no reasonable person would question his impartiality”? Obviously, already many reasonable people have not only questioned his continued participation, but view it as outrageous. Something is wrong here.

Latest polling on OJ’s legal perils: . Increasing numbers of people are tiring of the turmoil associated with Orange Julius. Biden’s announcement has the potential of more of the GOP base realizing that they are likely to lose the White House again if OJ is nominated.

Meanwhile, OJ’s lead grows over DeMentis within the GOP: . This is not OJ strengthening as much as growing disenchantment with DeMentis by the GOP base as they get to know him.

Europe’s glaciers melting at record pace: . At this pace, no fixes can occur quickly enough to save them. This adds more water to the seas and reduces the amount of light from the sun that is reflected back into space. I continue to worry that we have created feedback loops that will lead to runaway global warming.