News for May 23 — Wuhan Lab Workers Sought Hospital Care

WSJ: Wuhan lab workers sought hospital care in November 2019: . It is no coincidence that this information is becoming public at this time. The WHO meets shortly to discuss the next phase of the investigation. As the article makes clear, this is a US intelligence leak. Which administration is involved is not clear. The article suggests members of both have been contacted.

Oxygen enemas for COVID: . Well, if ventilators can kill you, this seems like a worthwhile investigation. It conceivably could help with a variety of lung injuries.

The testing “debate”: . Good grief. This is so simple you’d think even the government would understand it. We are nowhere near herd immunity and will never reach it. As such, testing remains necessary in many specific circumstances. Regardless of being vaccinated, vaccines are not 100% effective, and vaccinated people have become infected. COVID patients have become reinfected. And we do not fully understand the variants.

COVID-sniffing dogs train on smelly socks: .

US vaccine access barriers: . It is helpful to be reminded that vaccine hesitancy/reluctance is not the only problem.

New Delhi breakdown: . This is utterly nuts. How many people do we have to kill to establish the dangers of reopening too early?

Israel’s problems grow: . The two-state solution is the only way out, but its chances grow dimmer. To throw another lit match here, Jerusalem should be made an international city under UN protection. Israel would be allowed to make West Jerusalem its capital. Palestine would be allowed to make East Jerusalem its capital. More: . Reconstruction is a sensitive issue because of the tunnels.

Belarus problems grow: . More: (link replaced 6/2/21). WSJ: More: .

WSJ: GOP election “audits” continue: . Yes, this is a fund-raising stunt, but a sick, dangerous one.

The need for a January 6 commission: . This article is off base. Schumer will presumably try to bring the commission legislation to a vote (although the GOP may filibuster it). The Speaker of the House is a powerful position, and Pelosi oversees the Capitol Police. The threat of far-right violence is certainly not yet off the table, and the Capitol is not secure. Thirty-five House Republicans voted for the commission and could be placed on a select committee. If Nancy is the only person who can wear the big-boy pants, so be it.

Oh, and Greg Pence is nobody. His “career” rests solely on his brother’s name. His brother’s “career” is defined by a fly.

Here’s another GOP idiot from a family of idiots: . Most ophthalmologists are MD’s. Paul is a nut, no question, but putting this type of politics above science is irresponsible (which is the Paul brand).

Meanwhile, reality bites former OJ spokesperson Jason Miller: . There’s nothing like hiring quality people. OJ will never know.

The long-term GOP diagnosis: . We are watching a long-term devolution which continues to fail to produce responsible leadership.

Mickelson wins PGA: . Well, the wind was a major factor, but it was Phil’s competitors who blew away. At 50, Phil is the oldest to win a major golf title. It’s Phil’s sixth major; his fifth was in 2013.

WSJ: Marilyn moons the museum: . As usual, there is a lot of weird stuff going on in Palm Springs. More: .