News for June 14 — Wicker Has COVID Third Time

Wicker has COVID third time in a year: . The Mississippi senator led the push to end mask mandates on airplanes and public transportation. He previously had COVID in August 2021 and February 2022.

FDA advisers back Moderna school-age vaccine: . WSJ: More: .

Pfizer stops Paxlovid standard-risk trial: .

Omicron BA4 and BA5 account for 20% of US COVID cases: .

Survey finds severe COVID rare in unvaccinated people: . It may be Medical Daily, but analysis is apparently unknown to them. The participants self-selected and self-reported. So the notation that the results must be interpreted with care does not go far enough. I can confidently state that there were no respondents who had already died from COVID. As such, severity analysis is a waste of time here.

Beijing bar outbreak worsens: . Zero COVID does not work as a long-term strategy!

Fewer US women get pregnant, more pregnant women choose abortion: . So 20% of pregnancies in 2020 ended in abortion, with 54% of abortions performed by medication.

WHO says monkeypox to get a new name: . Um, what? The virus has been and still is most prevalent in Africa. Monkeys, however, populate Asia, South America, Central America and Mexico. Is political correctness now extended to impressions that are not facts? WSJ: More: .

McConnell supports bipartisan gun deal: . But as the article makes clear, McConnell’s support is based on political, not moral, considerations. In other words, “the right thing to do” is not part of his thought process. WSJ: More: .

Orange Julius defrauded his supporters: . While I agree that this is clearly fraud, as we know the DOJ must take action to enforce that result. We’ll see. Also, Toobin’s comment may be based on the “fine print”, in that recipients of political donations have considerable flexibility on how those funds are used.

Orange Julius’ “team” descends into in-fighting after only two House January 6 Select Committee hearings: . Can’t wait for the next 5 hearings … but there won’t be one on Wednesday: .