Why This Site?
This site began within an actuarial community in which I participate concerning healthcare. Health actuaries are very interested in the current pandemic’s effects on healthcare costs. This includes both the cost of caring for persons who contract the disease and its effects on deferral of care for other conditions. Examples include people who defer going to the doctor or emergency room due to fear of catching the coronavirus, or healthcare that is deferred due to the unavailability of facilities during the pandemic.
Actuaries are used to analyzing an existing data set for events that have already occurred, in order to project such data to predict future events. Here, however, it is necessary to analyze the pandemic in real time. Past experience provides very little in the way of guidance. The extent of the pandemic, recommended medical treatments, vaccine status, and political involvement change every day. As such, I began assembling links to news articles, with short commentaries, in order to assist others in finding the latest coronavirus news. These summaries have evolved into a posting each day for the community. They have proven rather popular, as some are now forwarding the summaries to individuals outside the actuarial community.
Because much of this material is not technical in nature, I decided to make the information available to any interested reader. Actuaries do not generally communicate to the general public with real-time materials or analysis. So, I created this site. Additionally, I perform actuarial analysis of available data, and write about the results in the Topics section.
The site is intended as a public service, and does not seek revenue in any form. I hope these materials are of interest to you. Please feel free to encourage others to visit this site for the latest in coronavirus information.
Thank you for visiting.