News for October 11 — White House Promotes COVID Boosters

White House promotes COVID boosters: . On the one hand, boosted persons who receive treatment (all currently free) have an almost zero risk of dying. On the other hand, COVID cases could soon double from current levels. Currently, more than 300 people die each day from COVID (that’s an annual rate of over 100,000 deaths).

Fixing the family affordability glitch in the ACA: . The Supreme Court could take the view that this is a “major question” requiring a legislative remedy. As such, prepare for legal challenges to this administrative rule. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: AstraZeneca focuses on post-pandemic drugs: .

Anxiety screening recommended for children 8 and older: .

China presses on with Zero COVID as party Congress nears: . The party Congress opens October 16 in Beijing. Meanwhile, Zero COVID has become China’s equivalent of Groundhog Day. Does Xi admire Bill Murray?

IMF lowers 2023 global growth outlook: . My view continues to be that the global economy will suffer recession in 2023, and the US is very likely to participate in this recession. WSJ: More: .

UN estimates 54 developing countries need immediate debt relief: . Again, my expectation is that things will get worse than this estimate, which obviously is a drag on global growth.

Bank of England pension help to end Friday: . One presumes UK bonds will soon have a serious drop in value. So that can’t be good for their economy. Liz Truss continues on her shaky start … WSJ: More: .

WSJ: UK bond crisis spills over into US credit markets: .

National Archives clarifies that all former presidents’ documents reside in a secure facility, and not in the possession of those former presidents: . The Archives have also clarified that Orange Julius is a lying sack of manure in an orange skin and a blue suit.

Lawyers agree that Orange Julius’ statements convict him of misuse of government documents: . More: .

WSJ: Meanwhile, OJ attorney certifying all federal documents had been returned meets with federal prosecutors: . So did this woman go to law school or barber college? She worried about her own legal jeopardy, but not about whether what she was attesting to was true. She is stunningly incompetent.

WSJ: Russia resumes air strikes against Ukrainian civilians: . Apparently, after you’ve committed a certain number of war crimes, committing more makes no difference to you.

A Bronze Age village buried by Vesuvius: . So, there’s a city buried every 2,000 years by Vesuvius, with the last one buried 2,000 years ago … This may not be the best time to property around Naples …

WSJ: Portland soccer owner will step down as teams’ CEO: . But Paulson remains under great pressure to sell the teams.

Angela Lansbury passes at 96: . For many years (1984 to 1995), the “Murder, She Wrote” lead-in music was essentially the theme song of Sunday night. WSJ: More: .