News for December 12 — What’s Causing Early American Deaths?

What’s causing American early deaths?: . We know that the opioid crisis has been a major contributor to increased US mortality. However, this article indicates that those dying from opioids are not the young, insured, working population, which is also seeing excess mortality. This is an observation which demands research. These deaths are presumably preventable.

WSJ: Inflation outlook: . The Journal’s economic analysis remains juvenile. Mr. Lahart’s ongoing record of showing no knowledge of economics remains untouched. Here he conflates microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis. The Fed models these issues extensively. Why don’t you ask them next time, Justin?

WSJ: Yellen promotes soft landing: . The main basis for this claim is that the job market has not significantly weakened despite the historically rapid rise in interest rates. Again, my main concern relates to wage push inflation, which I believe will continue to play out over the next 2 years. More: .

Choice Hotels seeks Wyndham takeover: .

WSJ: EY downsizes: . The failure to spin off their consulting operation was not a good look.

UN General Assembly votes overwhelmingly to demand humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza: . Without doubt, the indiscriminate bombing of civilians has turned world opinion against Israel. Again, Israel needs a speedier plan to conclude its mass bombing campaign. WSJ: More: . Still more: .

WSJ: Russia suffers 315,000 casualties in Ukraine war: . That is 90% of its prewar strength. The US aid expenditures to Ukraine are a bargain given this result.

WSJ: New York’s top court orders redraw of state’s congressional map: . The article implies a 7 seat Democratic pick-up, but that assumes the adoption of an aggressive Democratic gerrymander. My recollection was that the GOP map was expected to pick up 4 Republican seats, so I’d look for the Democrats to pick up 4 to 5 seats in this process in 2024. The Journal huffs and puffs, but they appear to agree with this assessment: .

Will a burner phone burn Orange Julius’ butt?: . This article details the prior reporting strongly suggesting a burner phone was involved and OJ lied about not knowing what burners were. Furthermore, a burner phone is not complete protection. Someone obtained and disposed of any OJ burner phone. OJ likely made calls to non-burner phones. There’s already more than enough to hang this disgrace, but every piece of evidence will help peel off some of the losers who still support him.

What the …? Orange Julius unveils digital trading cards, “MugShot Edition”: . This seems like an April Fools’ prank, right? But it’s not April 1, and it’s from our year-round fool, Orange Julius. Here is OJ’s announcement from his Truth Social post last Thursday:

“Due to the great Excitement and Success of my previous TRUMP DIGITAL TRADING CARDS, we’re doing it again – The MugShot Edition, available RIGHT NOW! Plus, buy 47 cards and get a piece of the suit I wore for the ‘Mugshot Photo,’ and also get an invite to a Gala Dinner with me at Mar-a-Lago! Don’t wait, they’ll go FAST (I believe!). I’m happy if you’re happy. Have fun. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!”

How can this ass be taken seriously by anyone?

The Rude Dude defames election workers again during damages trial: . Apparently, Rudy concedes he’s already lost and damages will wipe him out, so this is his way of going down swinging. Utterly classless …

Why you don’t want JP Morgan handling your investments: . The evidence of the bank’s behavior in this case is staggering. The case strikes me as ripe for settlement – the bank should fear this type of publicity about its services.