News for December 6 — Wastewater Sends Holiday COVID Warning

Wastewater sends holiday COVID warning: WSJ: . Ah, yes, it’s that time of year … (and no, I don’t believe COVID is seasonal).

Boris Johnson defends COVID record: . At any other time in history, we would scoff at this defense. How could anyone be so woefully ignorant, incompetent, and uncaring? However, since Orange Julius remains Exhibit No. 1 of a moron in power, Johnson’s defense cannot be so easily dismissed. Still, Johnson was at the least woefully unsuited for governance, with murderous results (and don’t forget Brexit …).

Drug cost-plus pricing gains traction thanks to Mark Cuban: . The facts in this article are well known. However, the article argues that losing Blue Shield of California to Cuban’s company forced CVS to rethink its model. That is a compelling viewpoint.

WSJ: Medicare Advantage business becomes less profitable: . As readers know, I am highly critical of this product. Seniors are receiving reduced Medicare coverage to line the pockets of insurers.

WSJ: AbbVie’s acquisition growth continues with Cereval Therapeutics: .

China urges schools to step up respiratory illness checks: .

WSJ: New York may ban non-compete provisions: . This will really shake up Manhattan if it becomes law. Good. Power between employers and employees should be rebalanced.

WSJ: Texas bank overdraws its own accounts: . Let’s just say quality control here leaves something to be desired … and it’s a bank …

The deep problems in China’s economy: WSJ: .

WSJ: Google announces AI competitor to ChatGPT: .

US files war crime charges against Russian soldiers who tortured American during Ukraine invasion: . It’s true but misleading to call these charges largely symbolic. The US government must stand up against war crimes, and the DOJ is doing what it can. WSJ: More: .

Fierce fighting continues in southern Gaza: . Casualty figures right now are a wild blur of guesses and misinformation. Experts currently estimate overall casualties at least 20,000, split roughly as 5,000 men, 5,000 women and 10,000 children. Israel claims to have killed 5,000 Hamas militants. As these fighters are very predominantly male, these two claims cannot both be right. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Israel claims to have killed about half of Hamas’ battalion commanders: . There is no way to confirm any of this “information”.

Kevin McCarthy hangs it up: . Note that Kevin’s not even completing his current term. He really does not give a damn about anyone but himself. This self-focus disease is now an epidemic among GOP politicians, and will only get worse until Orange Julius gets off the national stage. WSJ: More: .

The latest proof McCarthy’s successor is an idiot: . Obviously, Mike Johnson did not create this tape, someone else did (presumably House security cameras). So the redaction never made any sense. I’m glad the media has publicly pointed this out.

Why Tommy Tuberville finally called off his blockade of military promotions: .

Special prosecutor tightens the screws on OJ: . Smith continues his meticulous pursuit of OJ. The judge should allow this proffered evidence, although that’s not entirely obvious. However, she can’t unsee this submission.

The latest communiqué from OJ’s Nut World: . As the walls close in, OJ exhibits additional signs of mental decline. The DC January 6 trial may fully snap him. That is, if you don’t consider what’s going on now as fully snapped …

Orange Julius actually says he would be a dictator on Day One of a second term: . It is remarkable that any American could listen to this and think they should vote for this moron for any public office. Shock jock, maybe, but certainly not a position involving any degree of trust.

Nevada Attorney General charges 6 fake electors: . Closer and closer they come, inch by inch, step by step … Fake Wisconsin electors settle lawsuit: . WSJ: More: . And their admissions help Jack Smith: .

DOJ arrests of January 6 insurrectionists continue: .

WSJ: Massive tobacco write-off: . They paid $49 billion 6 years ago and are now writing off 2/3 of the investment? You can’t fire enough people to make up or this mistake …

Civil War to continue: . Week 3 of the season is not ideal, but at least for now this historic game continues.

Norman Lear passes at 101: . Among those who most shaped American culture and attitudes in the last 100 years, Norman Lear is at or near the top of that list. Archie Bunker? Fred Sanford? These characters created amazing vehicles for social discussion and tolerance of others. WSJ: More: .