News for January 24 — VEXAS Syndrome Reflects Genetic Disorder

VEXAS syndrome reflects genetic disorder: . This recently identified genetic mutation of the UBA1 gene predominates in males. The UBA1 gene appears on the X chromosome; while males have only 1, females have 2, so both of their genes must mutate for the disease to appear. The mutation is not inherited, but rather develops later in life. So this is an adult-onset disease. VEXAS stands for (1) vacuoles; (2) E1 gene; (3) X-linked; (4) autoinflammatory; (5) somatic. Here is the NIH summary of recent research: .

WSJ: Tylenol to split from J&J: .

WSJ: Is a global recession coming?: . Sorry, but Europe has more problems than energy prices. The COVID waves in China will keep arriving. Yes, a global recession is coming., and also allow other European countries to do so.

US to send 30 Abrams tanks to Ukraine: . This breaks the diplomatic deadlock with Germany, clearing the way for Germany to send Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine, and also to allow other European countries to do so. WSJ: More: .

Yellen moves to delay debt limit issues: . WSJ: More: . But the crisis cannot be delayed past June.

Classified documents found at Pence home: . First, everyone knows the rules and the seriousness of this matter. The breach of the rules by a President and two Vice Presidents seems more than careless. Second, to the extent documents were involved that should stay in a secured facility, under what circumstances were these documents removed from the facility? WSJ: More: .     

The elderly Asian shooters: . So the 72-year-old Tran is the oldest shooter in the database. From the last name, he seems Vietnamese, while Monterey Park is a tight-knit, primarily Chinese community. The Half Moon Bay shooter, Zhao, appears Chinese. Both shootings seem related to the Lunar New Year. As this is a festival of renewal and hope, Tran for some reason targeted celebrants in the first community festival in 3 years. Tran’s actions may have triggered Zhao. WSJ: More: .