News for August 1 — Variant Expected to Evade Vaccine

Variant expected to evade vaccine: . This theoretical discussion does not in my view lead to real support for the evasion argument. COVID is of course embedded in the global population for the foreseeable future. However, holding down the population’s viral load will significantly slow the emergence of additional variants.

Why is vaccinated transmission a story?: . Sigh. We now have the problem that interpretation of the facts is becoming a serious problem. Transmission by the vaccinated is an important story because it is often unknowing. COVID is asymptomatic or mild in so many, and yet already deadly to over 613,000 Americans.

Stelter makes the point that no 6-word headline can capture the complexity of the story. Yes, but that is how newspapers and online stories function. In other words, once again “the medium is the message”.

Serious COVID cases rise in Israel as calls increase for booster shots: .

Vaccine prices going up in Europe: .

DeMentis searches out an “expert” to support his mistreatment of Florida citizens: . With highly effective vaccines available, it makes no sense to expose people to a deadly illness. Period, full stop. This BS puts the rest of the country at risk. And meanwhile, Florida set a new all-time COVID hospitalization record today: . Ron DeMentis is a mass murderer.

Eviction tsunami has been unleashed: . But federal funds are available to avoid this crisis. Will they be disbursed? WSJ: Greatest vulnerability may be in the South: .

Unemployment cliff arrives September 6: . This is money that gets spent immediately and supports every struggling local economy.

Details of Senate bipartisan infrastructure bill: . WSJ: More: .