News for September 13 — Vaccine Mandates Needed to Keep Schools Open

Vaccine mandates needed to keep schools open: . This is so obvious the GOP governors should be ashamed. Instead, they continue to ignore the truth and endanger children.

The history of vaccine mandates: .

The surgeon general on the necessity of vaccine mandates: . Basically, the administration played nice hoping facts, science and persuasion would work. Too much time is going by. Too many are dying unnecessarily. The answer is vaccine mandates.

WSJ: US COVID deaths trend younger: . The Journal remains a master of the obvious, but you may find some of the details here of interest.

The unvaccinated pandemic in Minnesota: . And this is a microcosm of the US problem. We lead the world in dimwits who don’t understand vaccines, or refuse to listen. The idea that this issue somehow involves personal freedom is just more conservative crap, period.

The Northern Idaho nuts pack their hospitals: . My prior comment that this area is a hotbed of white supremacist activity was actually rather mild, as this article details. As to the racist bastard Richard Butler, our great (local) attorney Eldon Rosenthal castrated the racist bastard Richard Butler in a federal trial here in Portland. Sometimes the law gets it exactly right: .

More Idaho fruitcake news: . Not just wrong, but dead wrong.

The Big Lebowski gets COVID during cancer treatment, spends 5 weeks in the hospital: . The immunocompromised 71-year-old narrowly escaped.

The booster shot debate continues:–38544e89b9dba06d49a800189c3ed42d . An alternative reading is that it’s a mistake to listen only to these two experts. Studies have shown that vaccine protection fades over time, particularly for older individuals. The group suffering the highest mortality needs the boosters, which substantially increase the immune response. So the proper question is, at what age can we safely forego boosters? We don’t have an exact answer, but it is almost certainly no higher than 50, and probably much lower. WSJ: More: .

More on hybrid immunity: .

The COVID risk for diabetics: . We reported over a year ago on the connection between interferon and cykotine storms. Science continues to unravel the operation of these processes in those infected with COVID.

Ivermectin: fruitcakes making a buck on the Internet: .

More COVID tragedy: .

DeMentis continues to double down on his anti-science bet: . DeMentis demonstrates daily that he is the biggest jackass in the country who is not orange. More from Squat-for-Brains: .

COVID-sniffing dogs at Miami airport have 99% accuracy: . So the dogs’ accuracy rate is the exact opposite of DeMentis.

Yet another conservative radio host dies of COVID: . According to other reports, he contracted COVID during a rally against COVID restrictions: . He refused to take the vaccine. He argued that the vaccines were produced from aborted fetus cells, a charge not only demonstrably false but also idiotic. Vaccines are developed based on the virus involved. Laboratories test vaccines against human cells, but not from aborted fetuses.

For those of you who comment to me that these deaths are a cleansing of the gene pool, I admit you have a point. I still hate to see people die from sheer ignorance. However, these conservative radio hosts lie for fame and a paycheck. The sheer ignorance involved is not the only factor.

Still another death from the GOP death cult: . Sigh. This looks like flat-out lunacy.

WSJ: We take on COVID by the numbers: . Once again, WSJ publishes evidence that it should not take on numbers. I’ve seen better organized jambalaya.

WSJ: Bill Gates says the world remains unprepared for the next pandemic: .

UK moves toward vaccinating children 12 to 15: .

WSJ: England’s pandemic now primarily kills the unvaccinated: .

Afghanistan exit: 100 Americans still trying to get out: .

Major climate advance: Cows can be potty-trained: . As crazy as this idea seems, it’s doable. So now, let’s solve their methane farts.