News for March 31 — Vaccine Breakthrough Data; Coronavirus Evolution

Vaccine breakthrough data: . Vaccine breakthrough occurs when a vaccinated person catches the disease. Assuming the reporting has captured all such cases in Washington state, this is a relatively low breakthrough rate. However, remember that many COVID cases are asymptomatic. The percentage of such cases is likely to be higher in the breakthrough situation. Therefore, this data should be treated cautiously. More: .

How will coronavirus evolve?: . This is a great question. Answers are highly speculative at this time. The multiple instances of convergent evolution certainly suggest that those mutations have superior viability. But there is no way of knowing what additional versions may emerge. For example, highly mutated variants have occurred, apparently evolving in individuals with weakened immune systems.

The pace of emerging variants has quickened recently. The slow pace of global vaccination indicates the global viral load will remain high well into 2022, or beyond. It seems likely that more variants of concern will emerge. We must revaccinate with booster shots as such variants emerge. Again, the flexibility of the mRNA vaccine technology is a tremendous positive weapon in this fight. More: .

Brazil discovers new variant, similar to South African variant: .

Moderna begins trial of vaccine for South African variant: .

How does the immune system adjust to variants?: . This is another really important question. As the article indicates, there are hopeful indications here. But there are way more questions than answers in this area. We do know that people can be reinfected. It also appears that some variants have greater ability to reinfect than others. Of course, research continues.

UK variant is now top strain in 5 US regions: . This is a somewhat slower advance than predictions. Even though it is not the dominant strain in the US by the end of March, the UK variant is likely to be the predominant US strain in two or three weeks.

Who signs up for human challenge trials?: . The third excellent question of the day looks at the psychology of these volunteers. Apparently these people are well-informed. They knowingly take on the risk out of altruistic motivation.

J&J vaccine production error destroys 15 million doses: . The error was made by a production partner. The doses involved never entered the “finish and fill” production process. WSJ: More: .

EU supports AstraZeneca vaccine for wide usage: . But the clot controversy is raising vaccine hesitancy: .

Pfizer vaccine trial results for 12- to 15-year-olds similar to young adults: . This is very significant for herd immunity, school reopenings, and younger children.

A severe skin reaction to the J&J vaccine: . While it’s true this skin reaction is very rare (maybe unique), the J&J vaccine is only a small part of the total US vaccinations at this time.

US vaccine hesitancy status: . The level of political discord that remains over this remarkable accomplishment of science is remarkable and unfortunate. What campaign would help these Republicans? The rest of the world wants the US vaccines.

WSJ: The variant-vaccine race continues: .

WSJ: Walgreen’s profits up with vaccinations: . They have already administered over 8 million doses.

WSJ: Mom’s vaccination helps her baby: .

Blowback grows on WHO COVID origin report: . Bottom line, a scientific report that doesn’t apply the scientific method does not hold water.

WSJ: New York rethinking nursing home regulation: .

Sarah Palin tests positive for COVID: .

Russia registers first COVID vaccine for animals: . So, animals have already been vaccinated with the human vaccines. Why is this vaccine for carnivorous animals only? How does dosing work – by the weight of the animal?

Germans lose faith in government vaccine plan: . And 88% of COVID cases in Germany in the latest week reported are of the UK strain.

WSJ: France’s Macron orders new lockdown: .

Papua New Guinea faces COVID surge, collapse of health system: .

Biden’s $2 trillion infrastructure plan: . If it’s going to create jobs in 2021, the bill must be passed in the next few months. It was remarkable that the stimulus plan was passed at the original tab of $1.9 trillion. This is a bigger lift, even just within the Democratic Party. However, Joe Manchin, as “the occupier of Robert Byrd’s seat”, should be less of flash point. Taxes to pay for some of the cost are also an important ingredient for moderates. WSJ: More: . Still more: .

Delta CEO blasts Georgia voting restrictions: .

Pentagon will issue new transgender policy: . Despite the homophobic behavior of the prior “administration”, over 1,000 transgender individuals remained in the service as of February 2019. Still, that is a reduced number from when Orange Julius announced the ban on their service: . We of course have no information on the actual number of service members versus those identified by the Pentagon.

Biden declares Transgender Day of Visibility: .

January 6 litigation grows: .

Matt Gaetz scandal: . Extortion only works when there is some truth involved. Even if there is extortion involved, Gaetz said he is under investigation by DOJ. As stated before, there are problems here. Oh, and Gaetz is 38 and engaged to a 26-year-old. Obviously he likes younger women. Apparently the investigation is now expanding: . More: .

WSJ: Suez Canal delays: . More: . Still more: . Suez pilots under scrutiny: . The depth of the Journal’s obsession with this story surprises me each day. Are they somehow unable to reassign the staff committed to the now-ended blockage? This is like when Grandpa comes over, and all he can talk about is the bypass surgery he had last year.

Bones behaving like batteries: . This is really “shocking” evolutionary research.