News for October 20 — Vaccination Plans for Kids 5-11

Vaccination plans for kids ages 5 to 11: . The hope is to have a large percentage of these children fully vaccinated by Christmas. WSJ: More: .

CDC reiterates masking in schools: . It’s public health common sense, backed by science. So, how many communities will continue to suffer under Abbott and Costello-DeMentis?

Getting a new vaccination card: . Given the many millions who got vaccinated at temporary mass vaccination sites, this is very important reference information.

WSJ: FDA authorizes wider booster campaign: .

Can new coronavirus variants emerge?: . Sigh. Of course. Duh. The critical issue is reducing viral load in the global population. We are exceedingly fortunate to have multiple effective vaccines developed in a record amount of time. We must work to halt disease spread in order to manage that load. That is why the discussion of natural immunity and targeting herd immunity through infection is so astonishingly ignorant. Next.

Latest research on MIS-C: . The initial comparisons to Kawasaki’s disease are giving way to comparisons with toxic shock. Sadly, 80% of these children develop heart complications. However, since the beginning of the pandemic, the mortality rate has been reduced from 2.4% to 0.7%.

Cancer survivor carries COVID for 11 months: .

Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto says vaccination saved his life: .

Employees face layoffs as employers enforce vaccine mandates: . I have absolutely no sympathy for these workers. If you don’t understand science, that is your problem. If you choose to leave your job over this lunacy, that is your choice. Your employer is not punishing you. The rest of us require you behave in a socially responsible manner to protect everyone, including the currently-ineligible-for-vaccination children.

Southwest Airlines backtracks on putting unvaccinated employees on paid leave: . Still, they are federal contractors. So the choice remains vaccination or lose your job.

WSJ: NYC orders all city employees to be vaccinated: .

WSJ: Novavax hit by COVID vaccine manufacturing problems: .

Surgeons successfully transplant pig kidney onto human recipient: . The circumstances, however, are unfortunate. The family of a brain-dead patient scheduled to be taken off life support decided to donate her body to science, allowing this procedure to go forward. The kidney remained outside the patient’s body, attached to her leg. More: .

WSJ: Disappointing sales for new Alzheimer’s drug: . However, this disappointment stems from disappointment that the FDA approved this drug. As stated previously, this looks like false hope at a very expensive price.

Global status of pandemic: . The US is still running over 80,000 new COVID cases per week.

Russia hopes return to COVID restrictions will blunt current COVID wave: .

Facebook looks to address its problems by rebranding: . The idea is simple enough – put our problems in a box and make that box one of our operating units. So I’m not just skeptical, I’m offended.

Fruitcakes close ranks in Arizona: . Apparently GOP politicians in Arizona have concluded that the primary is a one-issue campaign requiring allegiance to the Big Lie. So will this create an opportunity for Democrats to sweep the state in November, 2022? Arizona already has two Democratic Senators – it’s a real possibility.

WSJ: China’s leveraged property market: . The sub-headline is the key: taxation is a good idea, but this appears to be absolutely the wrong time to do it. Again, the vacancy rates indicate that overbuilding in the world’s most populous country. It seems inevitable that China’s growth will slow as they work through this problem.

Evergrande deal terminated: . WSJ: More: . Obviously, this increases the chance of default by Evergrande. Both companies requested that trading resume in their stocks: (link replaced 11/25/21). Note in this last article that yet another large property company has failed to make a major bond payment. Contagion remains a real possibility in this sector, a major growth engine in the Chinese economy.

Congratulations to Andy Meek for the stupidest article to make it into print this year: . It’s just bizarre to expect the White House to solve every problem that’s out there. The supply chain is the private market, not a government function. The White House’s efforts are commendable. Yes, it would have been nice if they started earlier, but we now know Long Beach was a pilot project for what could be done at LA. And those two ports handle 40% of overseas containers. So, Andy, find something useful to complain about. Otherwise, shut the hell up.

Have Brian Laundrie’s remains been found?: . This tragic story of domestic abuse looks to wrap up as a murder-suicide. More: . So if it is true that his remains have been underwater for several weeks, the coroner should have no trouble in verifying that from the body’s condition. Also, the cause of death (gunshot, poisoning) should be readily determinable.

Nikolas Cruz pleads guilty to Parkland shoots, faces death penalty or life in prison: . WSJ: More: .

Murdaugh to undergo psychiatric examination: . Murdaugh is well-educated, manipulative and cold-blooded. His deceit spans many years. However, it remains unclear how much of this case the prosecution will be able to unwind.

WSU coach plans legal action: . But short of surprising undisclosed evidence, this case is going nowhere. The coach chose to refuse vaccination under a statewide mandate. He cites his Catholic beliefs, but the Pope has said it is a moral obligation to take the shot. So this termination for cause starts with the coach’s own actions. My suspicion is that he’s just looking to extort a settlement from the school. My view is, piss off.

We haven’t quite perfected AI: .