News for December 13 — US Vaccine Campaign; Vaccination Card

US vaccine campaign launched today: . First shots will come Monday. WSJ: More: .

Vaccination card: . This is quite rational, certainly more so than the vaccine passport.

Vaccination goal of 100 million by end of March: . The earlier prediction of 100 million vaccinated by February is now abandoned. Biden wants 100 million vaccinated in his first 100 days, which end April 30. WSJ: Fauci on vaccination timetable: . Not much here on the timetable, is there?

WSJ: Vaccine skepticism remains: .

Top politicos to be offered vaccine: .

Bill Gates sees rough months ahead: . Gates is surprised by the size of the economic impact.

WSJ: The global pandemic is far from over: . And if the virus mutates …

Kizzmekia Corbett: . Publicizing Ms. Corbett’s contribution could help with vaccine skepticism among minorities.

WSJ: The Birx campaign: . Uh-huh. More telling is the SNL opener yesterday: . Their view is like mine. By the way, Dr. Fauci would like to know, What happened to Brad Pitt?

Weekly cases surge over 40% in Ohio: .

White House Task Force recommends Governor DeMentis return to Earth: . Oh, DeSantis, right …

Heart screening for COVID patients: . So, you readers already know about potential heart effects. That makes the following news blurb even more troubling: . Reports are that Johnson had COVID-19 over the summer. More: . You college basketball fans likely remember the tragedy of Len Bias. This seems as or more tragic.

Current prescription medication shortages: . The EpiPen shortage, always concerning, raises more alarm bells because of allergic reactions to the vaccine.

TIME recognizes Johns Hopkins COVID dashboard: .

Brazil’s “Little Trump”: Vaccination plan “murderous stupidity”: . And with all this, the percentage of Brazilians saying they would not take the vaccine has risen from 9 to 22%. What the hell is wrong with the American population?

WSJ: Fed feels more confident about the future: .

WSJ: Vaccine last-mile logistics leave states on the hook for billions: . You already know how angry I am at the federal incompetence in coordinating the US response. This leads us to the next article.

Relief bill split in two: . This just sucks. Any idiot can do the math and see the state cuts necessary to balance against the revenue shortfall. The state and local cuts hamper both needed government services and the economic recovery. And that was before the feds stuck the states with the logistics of last-mile vaccine roll-out. WSJ: More: . Still more: .

WSJ: Why the office is not going away: . Dr. Cappelli is entitled to his opinion. This academic viewpoint ignores business reality. Rent in an urban high rise isn’t cheap. If I could cut square footage in half without affecting operations, I would take that expense reduction. Many managers will, and floating or shared offices will suffice for that fraction of employees who need to come in on a given day.

WSJ: The coming eviction tsunami: . If there are millions of potential evictions, there are many billions in unpaid rent.

Trump to veto defense bill: This is yet another dereliction of duty. It does give Congressional Republicans the perfect opportunity to override the veto and start to wash off the Trump stink they have been bathing in. Let’s see what happens if Cadet Bonespurs follows through.

WSJ: Cleveland to drop Indians moniker: . It was just last year that Cleveland dropped the offensive Chief Wahoo. This is all long overdue. I did snicker at the photo’s juxtaposition of “Progressive” and “Indians”. Now rename Ft. Hood and all the others named after the Confederate domestic terrorists. This is yet another reason to override Cadet Bonespurs’ defense veto, if it comes.

WSJ: Former aide accuses Cuomo of harassment: . Why would a Democratic candidate in New York accuse the popular Democratic governor of harassment? This severely tests the idea that any publicity is good publicity.

WSJ: John le Carré passes: The Spy Returns to the Cold: .