News for July 9 — US Residential Rental Costs Rising

US residential rental costs increasing: WSJ: . While this article suggests that about 40,000 units per year are at risk over the next five years, the significant rent increases of the past several years certainly incents other owners of these properties to re-evaluate their investments.

US drones kill ISIS leader: . I appreciate that the military doggedly pursues multiple missions. As well, this event is another embarrassment for Russia and won’t help their relationship with ISIS.

Zelensky says nyet to Orange Julius’ Ukraine “plan”: . This question is an intelligence test. Zelensky passes with flying colors. The MAGA Maniacs do not. I am impressed with how politely Zelensky points out the total BS involved.

Three of Putin’s top advisers now missing: . We were expecting a purge. Apparently it has been carried out quietly.

OJ lawyer Alina Habba withdraws from defense team to take over legal work on OJ’s PAC: . She’s completely ineffective as defense counsel, so no loss for OJ there. I wonder if they will now angle to delay the legal action in New York: . Previously, the judge has been clear that the trial will start October 2, 2023.

The DeMentis campaign is evaporating: . Again, the basic problem is no one likes Ron.

WSJ: Meanwhile, DeMentis is now costing Florida convention business and visitors: . Racial and gender discrimination is rather obviously not good for business. As usual, Ron did not think this through.

Elsewhere, the Michigan GOP stages its own Idiot Olympics, featuring kickboxing: . So as bizarre as the GOP has become, this is a remarkable new low – really low …

A summary of the factors behind the record-setting global warming: . This is the frog in a slowly boiling kettle of water, but on a global scale.

MLB draft: . Note the first-round picks listed. Four of the top ten picks just graduated from high school. I don’t think this is good for the game.