News for July 2 — US Pandemic Today in Graphics

US pandemic today in graphics: . Note that the Delta variant has not yet begun to roar in the Deep South, where there is a significant concentration of the unvaccinated. Will July 4 be a superspreader for them? Arkansas is already headed in the wrong direction: .

The Delta variant wants you: . So here are 15 million people that have put themselves at risk for no apparent reason. We know that very few become ill from the first dose. Are they more afraid of the second dose than they are of Delta? They should consider California: .

US to ship 4 million vaccine doses to Indonesia to combat COVID surge: . Sure, why not? The South isn’t using it.

WSJ: Stupidity surges in Australia: . Why don’t you try vaccinating your population, you dimwit?: . They may speak English, sort of, but that doesn’t make them competent.

WSJ: Stupidity surges in our newsroom: . Good grief. Does whoever wrote this understand that when a vaccinated person dies of COVID, that is absolute logical proof that the vaccine is not 100% effective? Also, the children are unvaccinated, so they generate cases. And anyway, two shots do not make you fully protected. Protection is about two weeks out from the second shot, on average.

COVID surges in Africa: .

Cystic fibrosis drug trial paused: . Obviously, lung inflammation in a cystic fibrosis drug is not a good thing.

Mayo Clinic fires doctor over book on COVID experiences: . This seems like a harsh result for a long-term employee. It is not about standards of care.

WSJ: Investors bet Aon-Willis deal in trouble: .

US economy adds 850,000 non-farm jobs in June: . And the unemployment rate rose. Tell me again why Republican governors cutting federal supplemental unemployment benefits are anything other than cruel. People want to work. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: State and local governments are failing to get federal assistance distributed to tenants and landlords: . This is just tragic, really.

Taliban advances in Afghanistan: . WSJ: Watching Kabul become Saigon: .

Will there be trouble in DC on the Fourth?: . That seems dubious from the information in this article. But note that intelligence gathering was limited because of privacy protections on the website. What are the risks from encrypted communications? We do need to remember that the Founders didn’t have television, radio or even phones.

Cosby backlash: . Her reaction is totally understandable. However, the villain in this mess is the idiot prosecutor Bruce Castor, now of impeachment fame. The result is unjust. But if people simply react without thinking through the reasons the system failed, the system is in jeopardy. This is exactly what right-wing extremists want.

Is the Surfside condo an isolated disaster?: . The question everyone wants answered is whether groundwater conditions or bedrock integrity caused the Surfside collapse. We need more specifics on the North Miami situation to see if it’s related. But note that in North Miami, the building was deemed structurally and electrically unsafe in a January 11 report. What’s been going on for the last 6 months?

Is Allen Weisselberg an isolated tax cheat at OJ Inc.?: . Of course not; he is the CFO! The government’s message here is clear: flip or fry. And we all know who they’re after. Also note that there is powerful evidence of an ongoing pattern of misconduct. That’s why the prosecutors charged 15 years of abuse up to the day of filing. And proving that pattern, and OJ’s involvement, is another reason this set of charges was filed first: .

WSJ: More spin on Weisselberg: . And faster spin: . Just FYI, WSJ, a change of focus is completely irrelevant to the veracity of the ultimate charges. Faster and faster: . Good grief. So the charges involve Weisselberg himself benefitting from these practices. This is anything but a typical case, and this case is not about Weisselberg, it’s about OJ. The quality of reporting here is in the Tucker Carlson ballpark.