News for May 18 — US Omicron Surge Still Growing

US Omicron surge still growing: .

Pfizer not providing Paxlovid for medication studies: . Meanwhile, the US wants to study the Paxlovid rebound risk: .

Biden uses Defense Production Act for infant formula: . The Defense Department is now authorized to fly in approved formula from overseas.

WSJ: Equal pay for men and women on US national soccer teams: . However, the pay equalizes the multi-time World Cup champion women and the perennial also-ran men. Still, this is an historic step for the women and perhaps the largest impact the US has ever had on the world’s most popular team sport.

Biden 5-day trip to Asian allies: . WSJ: More: .

Shanghai slowly reopens: . Meanwhile, Zero COVID lockdowns continue to slow the global economy: .

North Korea’s COVID caseload approaches 2 million: . Again, North Korea’s figures mare no sense. They are saying that nearly 8% of their population has symptomatic COVID. Then another 8% would have had asymptomatic COVID in a pandemic first detected in late April. At the least, COVID has been active in the country for several months. But again, with no testing, no one has any real idea what is going on in the country. Here’s their tea-based medical response: . WSJ: North Korea accepts COVID aid from China: .

Asian shares follow Wall Street plunge: . A huge amount of equity wealth is disappearing globally.

WSJ: UK inflation at 9%, a 40-year high: .

Russian soldier pleads guilty at first Ukrainian war crimes trial: . WSJ: More: .

Pakistani billionaire buys two fighter jets for Ukraine: . Um, the capitalistic world we have created is fundamentally screwed up.

WSJ: Meanwhile, the US continues to turn the screws on Russia: . We look to force a Russian default.

US pauses “disinformation” board: . WSJ: More: .

Orange Julius’ weak influence on GOP primaries: . My take is a bit different than described in this article. OJ, as we all know, is narcissistic. His primary reason for these endorsements is to keep his name in front of the public. He would like to have loyalists in place, but only for continued self-promotion. His influence on results appears weak, and its end result may be promoting candidates who cannot win in November. If that happens, perhaps the media will drop its fascination with this charlatan.

WSJ: Pennsylvania GOP Senate primary remains too close to call: . As noted yesterday, the suggested number of outstanding ballots was not reliable, and there were at least 200,000 ballots outstanding at that time. Oz has regained the lead, but by less than 2,000 votes. The race appears headed for an automatic recount under state law, unless the remaining ballots dramatically change the picture.

Abbott under fire for remaining silent on mass shootings: . How appalling that GOP politicians compete to encourage violence without accepting responsibility.

WSJ: China’s new home prices fall: . The real estate development shakeout continues in China. Again, this will slow China’s growth.

Breaking news from WSJ: Lucille Ball was a natural brunette: . The Journal embellishes its traditional of investigative reporting …

WSJ: Robert Vlasic passes: . No word on whether Vlasic will be embalmed, cremated or pickled.