News for April 10 — US Likely Experiencing BA2 Surge

US likely experiencing BA2 surge: . The problem is that at-home testing goes unreported. On Face the Nation, Dr. Scott Gottlieb estimated that the 30,000 per day case figure is likely catching 1 out of 7 or 8 cases. So he estimates daily cases at 210,000 to 240,000 daily. Dr. Gottlieb said that this surge would likely be regional, confined to the East Coast and Florida. However, every regional wave we’ve had has spread throughout the country, so his reasoning seems contrary to the evidence.

Pediatricians urge boosters for teens: .

Gridiron attendees who caught COVID at 68 and rising: .

WSJ: Unbelievable advice on the BA2 surge: . The Journal really needs to seek out experts who are not just seeking publicity. Dr. Gottlieb is likely right that we are failing to get data on 85% or more of the cases. So who would advise people to base their COVID protective actions on a 5% increase in such data? Clearly, no one involved in this article, including the so-called experts, knows anything about these statistics.

Census overcounts Asian-Americans by 2.6%: . Note the other overcounts and undercounts described in the article. Given the size of the US population, it is surprising that that these counting errors are in the full percentage points. Did we really put a man on the moon over 50 years ago?

Shanghai COVID outbreak continues to worsen: . And do you suppose China might be underreporting this? WSJ: Shanghai has reported zero deaths from COVID from its 130,000 cases: . While deaths are a lagging indicator, would you report deaths if the central government is pressuring you to control the outbreak? Meanwhile, the citizens are freaking out while drones tell them to shut up: .

And now Guangzhou closes: . The supply chain disruption continues with the closure of this major port, formerly known to us as Canton.

Ukrainians prepare for Russian ground invasion in Donbas: . Remember that Ukraine already has defensive lines here and hardened veterans since this fight began in 2014. Russia is apparently struggling with troop shortages and low morale. This looks to boil down to Russian tanks versus Ukrainian antitank weapons. WSJ: More: .

Putin appoints new war commander for Ukraine: . General Alesandr Dvornikov has a record of brutality against civilians during his command of the Syrian war: . He is believed to be behind the recent Ukrainian rail station attack.

EU plans to admit Ukraine to full membership by June: . This is a remarkable development. At, this point, Zelensky’s decision to stay put in Kyiv not only stiffened Ukrainian resistance, it has rallied the West to his side. If this plays out, and Ukraine can defeat the Russian assault in the East, former comedian Zelensky will have changed the structure of Europe as well as the course of world history. Stephen Colbert for President!

In other comedian news, John Oliver sued by OAN: . I’m still working on what a decaf pit bull looks like. Shouldn’t caffeinating a pit bull be a crime? Curious minds want to know …

Finland, Sweden looking to join NATO this summer: . Wow, Vlad, possibly things are not working out for you. But whatever happened to Orange Julius’ offer to buy Greenland? Oh, right: .

And in other comedian news, Elon Musk reverses course and decides not to join Twitter board: . WSJ: More: . So, one of the wealthiest persons in the world is a screwball …

FAA proposes large fines for appalling flight behavior: . Um, the myth of Southern charm has been dead for a long time.