News for January 14 — US Hospitalization Surge Continues

US hospitalization surge continues: . This doctor believes the surge is fueled by Omicron, contradicting yesterday’s comments from the CDC director. Again, I agree with the doctor, although the limited amount of genomic sequencing done in this country calls the data into question.

CDC now recommends N95 and KN95 masks: . Yes, the N95 and KN95 masks have always offered the best protection. There was inadequate supply of these at the front end of the pandemic, and so health care workers had to be the priority. But adequate supplies have been available for some time. CDC could have done this many months ago. WSJ: More: . Still more: .

Masks cut COVID travel distance by more than half: . So here is a completely different reason for wearing a better mask – protecting others.

However, it is unfair to criticize the CDC for recommending the mask that fits you best and that you will wear as often as possible. These higher quality masks fit tightly and force more air through their stronger filtration. As such, they are harder to wear and have more constricted airflow.

Google mandates weekly COVID testing for people entering its offices: .

News from the Poop Patrol: . Sewage analysis (not exactly a dream job) suggests the population’s Omicron virus load in Boston is decreasing rapidly. This is a hopeful sign that the current surge may peak quickly, as it appears to be doing in South Africa and the UK. However, as indicated yesterday, we really have no evidence as to what comes next. I remain skeptical that the decline of the Omicron surge signals the end of the pandemic. WSJ: More: .

Judge orders price-fixing drug CEO Martin Shkreli to disgorge his profit of $64.6 million, and bars him from drug industry: . WSJ: More: .

DirecTV to drop One America News Network in April: . WSJ: More: . Still more: . As DirecTV is OANN’s largest distributor, the “news” network faces a significant decline in revenues and viewership.

WSJ: Gap between rich and poor nations widened by pandemic: .

WSJ: China’s Evergrande avoids onshore default: . But the investors agreed to deferred payment, which means Evergrande’s problem is deferred, not resolved.

CIA trains Ukrainians to lead paramilitary operations: . This article represents what the CIA wants known publicly at this time. Obviously, this could be partially false and intended to mislead the Russians. Still, some program like this probably exists.