News for August 20 — US Fall COVID Booster Push

US fall COVID booster push: .

Lyme disease lesser-known symptoms: .

WSJ: China’s long-term economic problems are everywhere: . The article notes that China had 130 million unoccupied urban apartments in 2018, 20% of such units in the country. China’s population is now falling, and the low birthrate indicates it will drop precipitously. Would you buy an apartment?

US and China push closer ties with “friends”: WSJ: . Again, the “two axes” model continues to accelerate.

WSJ: How does the Ukraine war end?: . This article does not offer any new insight. My view continues to be that Western industrial power will eventually overwhelm Russia’s more limited abilities to resupply its military.

Hurricane Hilary reaches Southern California as a tropical storm: . So it appears that forecasters have slightly downgraded rainfall totals. This presumably reflects Hilary’s increased speed, as suggested here yesterday. More: . Both Las Vegas and Southern California have underground cement tunnels which are occupied by the homeless and migrants. Flash flooding could be fatal to these individuals. Oh, and let’s have an earthquake, too: . WSJ: More: . Still more: .

In other news, Tropical Storm Ron continues to fall apart: . So let’s restate the article in more direct terms. Orange Julius has actually strengthened his position to 56% support, having somehow convinced his base that 4 indictments with a total of 91 counts against him represents a good reason to re-elect him. Meanwhile, DeMentis and Ramaswamy are tied at 10%, which in political terms means pathetic. Similar results from CBS News poll: .

Russia’s Luna-25 crashes into the moon: . We assume they announced the “emergency” only after they knew the spacecraft would crash. But now India is now in position to land first on the moon’s South Pole. WSJ: More: .

OJ attorney Alina Habba has bigger problems than complete incompetence: . As we detailed two days ago, Habba is a completely incompetent attorney. However, she now plans to refile a lawsuit not only previously tossed out of court, but on which the judge fined her and OJ almost $1 million for bringing. There are simply no circumstances in which you refile a case with this history. So I think she could be disbarred for this pattern of conduct.

Spain beats England for 2023 Women’s World Cup: . As the game occurred in the wee morning hours across the US, here is a 7-minute “mini-movie” of the game: . So, as readers will remember, I predicted England would win based on their superior passing skill. You can see a little of that in this clip, but also the English defenders gave the Spanish too much space; that cost them the winning goal. Also, each goalkeeper made a great save. England’s save against a Spanish penalty kick is particularly memorable. WS: More: .