News for September 8 — US COVID Vaccine Market

US COVID vaccine market: . If science develops a universal COVID vaccine, everything in this article becomes outdated analysis.

North Korea may introduce COVID vaccine: . The severity of this disease must cause extraordinary suffering in this Hermit Nation.

Cancers increase in under-50 adults: . Earlier diagnosis may be a part of this. However, the central question is what changes in our environment or practices lead to this result? The widespread use of chemicals which have an efficient effect in a specific situation but then remain in the environment feels like a significant contributor. Firefighting foam is a recently highlighted example.

WSJ: United Healthcare antitrust suit: .

WSJ: Weekly jobless claims continue to drift downward: .

Fed September increase trending toward 75 basis point increase: . WSJ: More: . Still more: . Um, if the Fed continues very rapid rate increases to push inflation back to 2% (their stated intention), there has to be a significant economic contraction, at least according to current economic theory. And again, global economic contraction seems assured at this point: . Remember, raising rates reduces access to borrowed money, with the intent of reducing economic activity. WSJ: Meanwhile, US mortgage rates surge: .

WSJ: The weak yen: . The BOJ policy baffles just about everyone, including me. This article tries to make some sense of it. One effect it is having is an export of Japanese investments to the US markets. This may explain the rallies in the US market in the face of distressing global news.

US gun demand drops: . We already have 400 million. How many more do we need?

WSJ: Abortion rights measure ordered onto Michigan ballot: .

Texas troopers revise shooting response: . The local police commander lacked the ability to respond properly. State and federal personnel failed to assume command until way, way too late. We all know that. One hopes this edict to neutralize the shooter, which has been standard police training for quite some time, will have the intended effect.

Ukraine makes advances in Kherson and Kharkiv: . The Ukrainians appear to be outmaneuvering the Russians and are making excellent use of the firepower they have. More: .

Fighting rages near Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant: .

WSJ: Latest US aid to Ukraine: .

WSJ: Supreme Court will make public report on abortion opinion leak: . However, Gorsuch’s comment that “I very much hope we get to the bottom of this sooner or later” sure sounds like not yet, and probably never.

DOJ files notice of appeal of judge’s special master ruling: . As readers know, even OJ’s Attorney general, Bill Barr, agrees that DOJ should appeal. My view is that this judge is incompetent. Others believe by the judge in favor of OJ (nominated by OJ in April 2020, the Senate confirmed Judge Cannon November 16, 2020 (that is, after OJ had lost the 2020 election). Comments in the ruling support a finding of bias. However, that only makes this situation worse for the rule of law. WSJ: More: .

A garbage truck to take out the trash: . Ahem. Centrally, the Constitution contains this penalty of disqualification from holding office, now applied in relation to January 6. Importantly, note that a federal appeals court had also ruled this way, but the case became moot when the loser involved lost his primary. If the rule of law indeed governs the US, the same precedent applies to the main actor in the insurrection, Orange Julius.

Bannon surrenders to NY authorities on “We Build the Wall” fraud: . The feds had to drop their case when Orange Julius pardoned Bannon. A president’s pardon does not apply to state charges. Also, there is no double jeopardy because the federal trial never occurred. In short: Bye, bye Bannon.

Queen Elizabeth II passes at age 96: . Simply put, unless you are over 75, the only monarch of the UK and the British Commonwealth you have known is Queen Elizabeth II. She will be remembered for her grace, her sense of humor, and the stability she provided to the British monarchy.

King Charles III, 73, steps into shoes too small for his feet and too beloved for his presence. Princess Di’s popularity still holds sway, with William and Harry regarded as her children more than his. Camilla hardly helps his cause. King Charles I was executed in 1649 after the English Civil War. His son, Charles II, was restored as monarch in 1660. Charles II was a popular king who left 12 illegitimate children but no legitimate heir. James II succeeded his older brother Charles II in 1685, but suffered overthrow in 1690.

The problems facing King Charles III: . You would think that his brothers and sisters, and their descendants, would be out. Here are a few obvious points: (1) Charles will have a much shorter reign than his mother. If he reigns until age 100, those 27 years are about one-third of Elizabeth’s time.

So you would think (2) unless public opinion changes drastically, Charles should step aside in 10 years or less (that is, age 83 or less) in favor of his son William. (3) Charles needs to restructure the monarchy in a way that strengthens William’s popularity with the public. That means, keep him visible from the start.

Bernard Shaw passes at 82: .

WSJ: Artemis launch in late September: . More: .