News for May 1 — US COVID Surge Has Little Impact

WSJ: US COVID surge has little impact: . In my view, it’s too early to call the game. However, current evidence suggests the latest version of Omicron is not as deadly as previous strains.

No orders for South African vaccine factory: . How did the world screw this up?

Omicron escapes Shanghai controls: . Gee, and how’s everybody feeling about being locked in your house for another month? AGAIN, the pandemic is not over, and Zero COVID is a fatally flawed strategy. Go forward with an effective vaccine. Some in China are beginning to realize what we have been saying for some time: .

China’s economy cools off as lockdowns wear down consumers: . WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Fed plans for “quantitative tightening”: . The Fed continues to try to get out from behind the curve.

Pelosi meets Zelensky, heads to Poland: . The panel discussion on Meet the Press today was around the lack of US leadership. The GOP says one thing in private but the Big Lie in public. Biden’s Build Back Better represented a lack of vote counting for passage. Only Nancy Pelosi is showing leadership, according to the panel. That is too harsh on Biden, but Pelosi has definitely shown leadership consistently, particularly with a slim House majority. And again, Biden has performed brilliantly on Ukraine but is getting no credit.

The “Ghost of Kyiv” was Ukrainian propaganda: . Not at all surprising.

Ex-NATO commander condemns Russia’s “military incompetence”: .

The GOP Idiot Olympics, in their own words: .  As bizarre as this GOP behavior is, it must be documented. Apparently these clowns have forgotten that insurrection is not only illegal, it is treason. Even if your misguided constituents return you to Congress, it is still treason. Saying that you can’t recall is just dishonest.

DeMentis’ latest hare-brained scheme: Permitless carry in Florida: . Who thinks this is governance? It is conservative bed-wetting. Apparently Ron has forgotten that Disney is the largest employer in Florida. Despite Ron’s forgetfulness, these ideas will collide soon enough.

Orange Julius’ endorsement powers test in May: . Of the 12 races highlighted here, everyone expects a mixed result for OJ. I will go farther and call them all (yikes!).

  • JD Vance will win the Ohio Republican primary. Vance has totally prostituted himself for OJ’s endorsement, having previously called OJ “America’s Hitler”. Still, Ohio has a lot of rural voters and the MAGA crowd is immune to lies. The November race depends on how much Vance can rebrand himself yet again. Right now, I project a surprise loss for Vance in November because Democrats will pour money in against him.
  • Ted Budd looks to survive a close Republican primary in NC. I base this only on recent polls. Pat McCrory has much more name recognition, but is not particularly popular with Republicans. This will be very close in November, but I will guess a Budd victory based on a Republican wave.
  • Mehmet Oz is in a toss-up race and heavily criticized by both parties in Pennsylvania. He may survive the primary, but he will not win in November despite the developing Republican wave.
  • Herschel Walker will win the Republican primary based on his name recognition. Warnock can beat him in November if there are public debates. Also, Warnock will win the Black vote in Georgia.
  • David Perdue is a failed OJ endorsement and will lose to Kemp, who will then face a rematch with Stacey Abrams in November. That race will be very close, and I can’t pick a winner right now. Abrams should win, as Kemp is a snake, but that’s not necessarily political reality in Georgia.
  • Most if not all of Trump’s remaining endorsements cannot win in November, and I predict most will not win in May. Also, in Alaska, Lisa Murkowski will be re-elected in November. Her coalition is heavily based on Democrats anyway. Alaska now has ranked voting (set up to help Murkowski), so both Murkowski and Tshibaka are likely to advance to November.

So I predict an overall poor showing for OJ’s endorsements, something almost no one is saying right now (yikes again). I will update you throughout May.

Hurricanes could more than double by 2050, with 20% increase in wind speeds: . This is terrifying, but not surprising.

Get ready for back-up quarterback trades: . As the article notes, several teams have quarterback depth problems. The teams generally agree that no good QB prospects were available in the draft. So, expect trades for back-ups.