News for January 11 — US COVID Record Hospitalizations

US COVID record hospitalizations: . We reported yesterday that US COVID hospitalizations set a record Sunday at 132,000. This source indicates the prior record was 139,781. However, we broke that record today (Monday) with 142,388. This means that in 24 hours, net COVID admissions exceeded net discharges by over 10,000 patients. Depending on how this data is gathered, this should not involve the “weekend effect” we see in case reporting. WSJ: More: .

The rate of increase in COVID hospitalizations is staggering and shows no sign of leveling off. Hospitals in many areas of the US are in for a very rough time in January. Please also note the data in the article that currently the highest rates of increase (500% to 700%) are exclusively in low vaccination states.

US reports 1.35 million new COVID cases in one day: . If you weren’t staggered by the information in the last article, this should do it for you.

A somewhat different perspective on COVID hospitalizations: .

AP News wrestles with the Omicron “data disaster”: . The news media is coming around on the difficult task of reporting accurate, useful COVID information. This newsletter has been advising for some time to focus on hospitalizations rather than cases. However, case information remains important because it tells us about both spread and viral load in the population.

US issues “Do Not Travel” warning for Canada: . Given the incredible COVID surge in the US right now, I don’t see the value of any US restrictions on foreign countries. It is the foreign countries who should exclude Americans. This article also repeats the 132,000 COVID hospitalization figure. Whatever the correct attribution is, we are at a record level of hospitalizations that continue to increase.

Pfizer COVID vaccine targeted for Omicron will be ready in March: .

Existence of “Deltacron” doubted: . The experts believe the Cyprus results were likely caused by lab contamination.

WSJ: US orders more COVID antibody treatments: .

The debate over whether COVID tests should involve mouth swabs for Omicron: . This article notes that the FDA recommends against the practice because eating or drinking can affect virus presence in the throat, and that mouth swabs are difficult to take accurately. My recollection is that other experts have recommended against the practice because the mouth contains different bacteria which could affect the test results. WSJ: More: .

Another oral test mechanism for Omicron: sugar-coated test strips: .

WSJ: More on pig-to-human heart transplant: . The Journal is consistently a day later than other news organizations on many major stories.

WSJ: Latest research on anti-aging drugs: .

Oregon State continues cannabis research with COVID news: . Don’t Bogart my COVID antiviral, dude!

WSJ: Omicron scrambles return-to-work plans: . It seems likely that many more companies will ultimately shrink their office footprint in favor of remote work.

WSJ: Chile offers second booster shot: .

The CDC’s shortened isolation period is a dud: . This never made sense, especially with Omicron, and scientists have now developed strong evidence against it. The CDC could significantly improve their recommendation by requiring a negative test, but the Brits show that won’t solve it. Would we let kids with measles go back to school after 5 days if one in seven were still contagious? Of course not. This is the same issue.

CDC’s director, Rachelle Walensky, corrects viral falsehood caused by ABC’s improper editing: . The falsehood went viral due to conservative misinformers. Ted Cruz was (no surprise) chief among them. And when the error was pointed out, Lyin’ Ted did not apologize for his actions (again, no surprise). Instead, he deleted the tweet! The people who wish to save the GOP, along with those who wish to save democracy, need to call out this crap in no uncertain terms.

For his continuously despicable, self-serving behavior, Ted Cruz has won the second Idiot Olympics Lifetime Achievement Award, joining Rand Paul.  And, here’s another nugget of intentional disinformation from the Turd Cruise: . Really, it is a national disgrace that this clown holds any elective office.

Meanwhile, Dr. Fauci slaps back at Rand Paul: . And calls Senator Roger Marshall “a moron”: . The “Aqua Buddha” reference went over my head, but it’s more appalling behavior by Rand Paul: . So, Rand Paul is apparently a soulmate of Brett Kavanaugh. Swell.

Fake pop-up testing sites are popping up around the country: .

WSJ: COVID’s economic slowing may last 3 years: . More: .

Smart guns coming to US market: . Critics can fairly argue that smart gun is an oxymoron .My view is that a careful gun owner does not need a smart gun. However, there are obviously many people who store loaded guns and do not lock up their guns. Therefore, society would be served by introducing the smart gun to consumers.

Groundhog Day comes early for the GOP: . Punxsutawney Mitch pokes his head out of his hole. But he’s likely headed back in until spring, still afraid of Orange Julius’ shadow.

Pro-OJ groups prepared and submitted forged election documents: . How nuts can you get?

DOJ begins working its way up the January 6 food chain: . More major trials set to begin in February.

WSJ: Russia withdraws troops from Kazakhstan: . More: .