News for November 3 — US COVID Pandemic at Crossroads

US COVID pandemic at crossroads: . Again, 400 deaths a day is just under 150,000 deaths annually. Certainly, the pandemic is not over.

Pfizer tests combo COVID flu shot: .

Moderna has supply chain problems, cuts vaccine revenue projections: .

US alcohol death toll rose 33% in first year of pandemic: .

CDC wants reduced opioid prescription: .

Will China ease Zero COVID rules?: . The problem, of course, is that the Chinese population does not appear adequately vaccinated. We would expect a severe spike in COVID cases and deaths in China.

Monkeypox spreads before symptoms emerge: . Up to 53% of cases are contracted in this manner.

Searching for Alzheimer’s causes: . I’m not sure there’s any new information here, but the summary seems comprehensive.

Bank of England hikes rates, says recession could last 2 years: .

WSJ: German energy costs: . Germany’s energy giant, Uniper, lost $39 billion in the most recent 9 months. The company will be nationalized in an attempt to stabilize it. All of this reflects the war in Ukraine and Russia’s limitation of energy shipments to Western Europe.

Musk will lay off half of Twitter’s staff on Friday: . I am so glad not to work for this overextended egomaniac. Unfortunately, something like 3,700 employees are out the door tomorrow. Additionally, those who remain will face major operational problems. Content moderation will likely continue to be a mess, and advertising revenue will certainly contract. Still, this continues to look like one of the worst acquisitions in American corporate history. More: .

WSJ: Increasing pressure on accounting audits: . There has always been enormous temptation to cook the books. But that temptation will increase as companies miss their earnings goals. Given the accelerating downturn in tech companies, that would be a great place to watch.

WSJ: Zuckerberg’s Meta, the “unintelligent failure”: . The point of the article is that an “intelligent failure” is a bet designed to give important information at minimal financial risk. Zuck bet the company on an unproven strategy that the marketplace so far is not embracing. Meta’s stock value has gone from $1 trillion to $200 million.

Orange Julius’ legal team tried to stage an intervention to stop him from filing lawsuit against NY AG: . As we’ve noted for some time, lawyers of the first rank stay away from a client like this.

Clarence Thomas further besmirches the Supreme Court: . The list of scandals involving Supreme Court justices is quite short. In recent history, the failed nomination of Abe Fortas as Chief Justice would likely top the list. Fortas resigned: . But the situation with Clarence Thomas is much worse. And of course, while Fortas wrote Gideon v. Wainright (the right of indigents to counsel), Thomas has written … essentially nothing. Thomas is a completely incompetent justice – even Justice Scalia referred to him as a nut.

Meanwhile, NY judge appoints outside monitor for Orange Julius, Inc.: . Once again, Rule No. 1: Don’t piss off the judge. Note that Christopher Kise, the $3-million-in-advance “all-star” on OJ’s legal team, has already blown Rule No. 1 in this case. WSJ: More: .

Is DOJ about to ensnare Orange Julius?: . Patel testified today. Why Patel’s testimony is important: .

Pelosi attacker in the US illegally: . So shouldn’t we close the border with Canada? Better yet, let’s build a wall … WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Boeing cost overruns on two new Air Force Ones total $1 billion per plane: . Boeing’s original bid was $2 billion per plane.

WSJ: Alabama’s three largest newspapers to stop publishing, go to digital-only: . Well, it’s Alabama, so who reads? Seriously. Their combined projected circulation for early 2023 is 30,000. But it was 260,000 10 years ago.

Imran Khan, former Pakistan prime minister, shot in leg and thigh: . However, his injuries are not considered to be life-threatening. WSJ: More: .

Kyrie Irving suspended by Nets: . So where is this clown going to play where he won’t be mercilessly booed? And he plays for the Brooklyn Nets! Home or away, he’s screwed. Seriously, stupidity really has no limits. WSJ: More: . And in other anti-Semitism news … Orange Julius: .