News for July 24 — US COVID Metrics Continue Increase

US COVID metrics continue increase: . Note that many variants are currently circulating. If the most prevalent strain is at less than 15%, there are 7 or more variants currently in circulation in the US.

Wuhan funding cancellation chills relations: . The US says the problem is a failure to provide requested documents. China could therefore correct the chill by complying.

WSJ: Heart attacks and heat: .

Skip Ozempic before surgery: . Vomiting while anesthetized is very dangerous, as the vomit can be aspirated (breathed into the lungs). This can lead to choking, pneumonia and other bad side effects.

Omega-3 and lung health: . If you don’t eat much fish, an Omega-3 supplement may make sense for you.

WSJ: A US-China fentanyl deal: .

WSJ: The Fed’s inflation fight: . The Journal’s economic analysis is becoming garbage. Core inflation is just under 5%, while unemployment remains near record lows: . The Fed has to continue raising rates, period. You’ll see that in two days.

WSJ: UBS to pay $400 million in Credit Suisse fines: .

WSJ: Crypto wash trading: .

DOJ sues Texas over Rio Grande float wall: . Again, my sense of the law here is that DOJ is entitled to summary judgment. Texas is violating a federal law, which is superior to state law under the Constitution. The case is, however, before a federal judge in Texas. One hopes that the judge will at least rule quickly. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Russia continues attacking Ukraine grain terminals: . This looks like yet another Russian war crime.

WSJ: Prigozhin’s Wagner empire: . So where is Prigozhin?

WSJ: Could Spain have a revote?: . As noted here before, with all the problems our two-party system has, it less chaotic than the multiple-part approach. Again, the No Labels nuts have no chance whatsoever of winning anything in 2024 except throwing the election to Orange Julius. However, their success would be even more destabilizing.

Senate Armed Services Committee Democrats pressure Mitch McConnell to end Tuberville hold: .

Should Orange Julius skip the GOP debates?: . Of course he should skip the debates. Right now the primary race is no contest, and he can skip the debates (as he has done in the past) with no consequences. The other candidates are currently shut out and have demonstrated zero ability to penetrate OJ’s base. However, OJ right now has very little chance in the general election, and this decision will not portray strength. OJ still has several reasonable chances in the general: (1) Biden’s health or abilities decline; (2) the economy or Ukraine goes south; or (3) there is a third party candidacy.

However, the GOP also faces a big problem. OJ is likely to lose one or more trials by the time of the GOP convention. OJ has not attracted any new votes to the GOP in the past 4 years, and I don’t see much he can do to grow the GOP base. More civil judgments and criminal convictions will further weaken his case.

Indeed, the Democrats have a reasonable chance of both holding the Senate and retaking the House. At that point, there will be immense pressure on Schumer and the Democrats to change the Senate rules to allow a simple majority to pass legislation. If that happens, the current racist/misogynist GOP will be washed away in short order. In my view, this is almost the best thing that can happen to American politics at the current time.

Bernard Kerik turns over OJ election fraud documents to special prosecutor: . This suggests that the special prosecutor will name Rudy Giuliani as a co-conspirator in OJ’s conspiracy to commit election fraud. WSJ: A summary of actions against OJ: .

January 6 insurrectionist gets 4 years: .

WSJ: Newsmax gains viewers from Fox: .

Investigation of Ohio trooper who released canine on unarmed black trucker with his arms held up: . Whether or not the local officer could hear the state trooper’s orders to stop, it was completely irresponsible to release the dog. This certainly looks like a racial hate crime. One hopes the dog did not seriously injure the trucker, so that the trucker can enjoy his multimillion dollar settlement in peace. That is my view of what is owed here, along with termination of the local officer.

Two free divers found dead off coast of Oahu: . At this point, this accident does not seem logical for two experienced divers diving together. One wonders if drugs were involved, because it is hard to make sense of these facts.