News for December 11 — US COVID Hospitalization Situation Grim

US COVID hospitalization situation grim: . As we know, currently 9 of 10 COVID deaths occur in people over 65. Yet 2/3 of these older people have not sought out their free, effective COVID booster. These people who have moved on from COVID risk moving 6 feet under. More: .

Nearly half of COVID patients globally experience long COVID: . Here, long COVID is defined as experiencing symptoms after 4 months.

China COVID cases soar: . Instead of carefully unraveling a failed policy, the Chinese government has instead terrorized its own population. Even for an authoritarian government, this is shockingly abysmal policy. Meanwhile, the government’s case reporting borders on the absurd: . Actually, they crossed the border and are headed to Absurd Central.

Influenza and RSV can combine into a single pathogen: . So far, this has only occurred in a lab experiment. However, because people can and do get both diseases at the same time, this outcome could become a reality at any time.

Scientists claim discovery of Alzheimer’s cause: . Their research appears to demonstrate that spheroid swellings form near the brain’s axons and disrupt electrical flow in the brain. Here is their publication of results: .

WSJ: Central banks’ interest rate hikes may start to diverge: . Remember, the Fed expects to continue its rate hikes to higher levels than previously projected. So the dollar’s weakening is likely to be temporary, assuming the Fed follows through. More: .

WSJ: Government funding deadline looms: .

Fusion reaction has produced net energy gain for the first time: .

US has Lockerbie bomber in custody: . WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Florida’s property insurance crisis: . The unaddressed problem is that global warming threatens to wipe Florida off the map. But the Florida legislature hardly seems intellectually equipped to deal with the state’s future.

Russian forces in Ukraine hit by Russian artillery fire, killing 14: . The term “friendly fire” is appallingly wrong-headed.

WSJ: We masquerade our stupid opinions as news: . This article ignores more evidence than it presents. Russia is already suffering heavily from sanctions. Over 300,000 young men fled the country when conscription was increased. And Putin’s health remains under constant question. Also, the US is in position to win this war without committing troops. So I expect we’ll follow through.

WSJ: Protests grow in Iran: .

Status of Dominion lawsuit against Fox News: . It goes (almost) without saying that lying in a deposition with so much information already public would be a really bad idea.

Elon Musk continues to demonstrate his lack of intelligence: . Actually, this reflects the previously announced brain implant from another Musk company, Neuralink. It failed.

Oregon suffers “firmageddon”: . As is abundantly clear to those of us who spend time in the outdoors, the forest floor has become drier with each passing year. So our beloved forests are now suffering catastrophic damage, with over 1 million acres of newly dead trees. This is about 1,600 square miles, or a square with sides of 40 miles. And this catastrophic damage will increase every year in future years.

Dead trees do not grow, capture carbon or emit oxygen. Climate change is shifting to runaway destruction of the ecosystem. We must do more, immediately, to save life on our planet.

WSJ: Orion returns to Earth: .

“Happy Days”, “Star Wars” actor Gary Friedkin passes at 70 from COVID: .

Basketball’s Paul Silas passes at 79: .