News for July 19 — US COVID Fight Sliding Backwards

US COVID fight sliding backwards: . And it will get worse as conservative media kills its viewers. This seems like a bad business plan.

WSJ: COVID cases rise in every state as the Delta variant surges: .

Rising COVID cases fuel emphasis on more vaccinations: .

LA County COVID cases rise to 10,000 per week: .

American Academy of Pediatricians contradicts CDC: . The kids under 12 are unvaccinated. Masking makes sense for them.

Poll: 62% of vaccinated Americans want COVID booster shot: . The government has downplayed this for fear it would discourage the unvaccinated from getting the vaccine. On the other hand, the evidence is that a booster would boost protection. I see no problem with making the vaccinated as bullet-proof as possible (other than vaccine production issues).

Vaccinated US citizens can enter Canada starting August 9: .

Debbie Wasserman Schultz blames Florida surge on Governor DeMentis: . While DWS has been a controversial figure in her own right, I agree with her on this charge. DeMentis is just a political hack following the OJ playbook, including deriding vaccination efforts and Dr. Fauci while being vaccinated himself.

Florida congressman has COVID: .

Yet another COVID hit to the US Olympic Team, this time in women’s gymnastics: . While so far the affected are replacement athletes, as gymnastics is a team sport, these are significant losses.

WSJ: US seeks greater transparency in hospital pricing: . A $2 million fine seems miniscule, especially considering that Medicare and Medicaid are major revenue streams for the hospitals.

Texas Democratic COVID count now at 6: .

WSJ: COVID hammers South Africa: .

Kevin McCarthy announces his 5 picks for the January 6 select committee, including Jim Jordan: . WSJ: More: . Pelosi has veto power over these picks. Vetoing Jordan might enrage the OJ mafia, part of which is the subject of the investigation.

WSJ: $26 billion opioid settlement expected this week: .

WSJ: Unemployment benefits overpaid during pandemic: . This newsletter has repeatedly noted that the legislation passed by Republicans lacked meaningful oversight in the OJ administration. How does the Journal fail to report this? The answer, of course, is that they feed an alternate universe.

Over 9 of 10 voters agree: Social Security is not enough: . It is rather obvious that if individuals are left alone to save for retirement, some significant percentage will fail. Others will fail because their savings must go to medical expenses or other life situations.

Congressman looks to protect the US government against Orange Julius: .

First insurrectionist faces felony sentencing: . When the defense focuses on Abraham Lincoln, you know they think they are in trouble. “Shaming” is also not a valid basis for sentencing decisions, because it applies to every felon. That said, it is up to the judge to weigh the specifics of this case. Update: Insurrectionist sentenced to 8 months: . Note that the judge describes the case as unique, which indicates it should not be used as a guideline in future cases.

Defending Paralympics Gold Medalist not allowed to bring assistant to Tokyo because of COVID protocols, forced to quit team: . This is a disgusting injustice to a disabled individual. I’m sure she is an inspiration to many, as she is to me.

The West continues to burn: . So the Bootleg fire in southern Oregon creates its own weather. In addition to pyrocumulus clouds, Bootleg is creating its own lightning strikes.