News for May 3 — US Omicron BA.2.12.1 Cases Double

US BA.2.12.1 cases double in two weeks: .

New South African variants BA4 and BA5 found in US: . Remember that these two variants are moving toward dominance in South Africa. The US increase is suggested as evidence that these variants can reinfect those who have already had Omicron: . More: . Still more: .

Pfizer looks to submit vaccine data on kids under 5 by early June: .

Cognitive impairment from COVID equals 10 years of aging: .

COVID worsens asthma in kids: .

Male urinary incontinence linked to increased mortality risk: . Our language designates these men as Finnish – that’s unfortunate.

COVID closes 10% of Beijing subway stations: . This fanatical adherence to Zero COVID without adjusting course continues to disrupt life in China.

Has US inflation peaked?: . The argument is that smoothing supply chains and decreased consumer demand will reduce the pressure to raise prices. I agree with analysis. However, I suspect it is being promoted now to slow down the Fed. Ironically, the Fed will raise rates and inflation will fall, but that will imply a connection that does not exist here.

The “Great Resignation” is now followed by the “Great Renegotiation”: . First of all, many of the resignations are in fact not returning to the workforce – for example, many women and early retirees. Secondly, this wave of transfers is doing so for increased pay, and at record numbers. Ultimately, that is inflationary and will bolster consumer demand.

Russia storms Mariupol steel plant: . It is hard to see how this holdout can last much longer. However, the Ukrainian fighters have lasted much longer than the Texans at the Alamo. After 13 days of siege, the Texans lasted 90 minutes after the battle began: . And obviously, the Ukrainian fighters are facing much more powerful weaponry than did the Texans.

Putin may soon declare war on Ukraine to fully mobilize reserves: . Since Putin’s propaganda has tried to sell this war to Russians as a peacekeeping effort, how will Russians react to turning their young adults into cannon fodder?

More on Putin health rumors: .

Biden responds strongly to leaked Supreme Court opinion: . The leak was unprecedented. So is Biden’s response. As Justice Sotomayor said earlier, overturning Roe will create a stench around the Court that it will not survive. Although seemingly impossible, Alito’s petty language has made things worse. And there was apparently no time for the other conservatives to talk him off the ceiling. The Democrats have made it immediately clear that this will be a November campaign issue.

The furor over a Supreme Court leak: . So a law professor has come up with an 1852 leaked opinion. But this still means this has never happened since before the Civil War. I agree that there will be considerable turmoil within the Court and the staffs over this unprecedented behavior. The details of the reaction are quite remarkable: . Note AOC’s comment that Manchin will prevent the Senate from having even 50 votes to codify Roe.

The Senate fight over this draft opinion now focuses on Manchin: . Here’s why. It appears the Senate Democrats have at least 49 votes to codify Roe and protect abortion. GOP Senators Collins and Murkowski (at least) would also vote to codify Roe. So there are at least 50 (but not 60) votes to codify Roe, with Harris as the tie-breaker. Thus, if Manchin would permit overruling the filibuster for this one vote, Roe would be saved. But Manchin likely won’t do it, which in essence means he opposes a woman’s right to choose (even if he says differently).

You can bet there is a lot of pressure on Manchin right now. But Manchin enjoys the spotlight, and there is no obvious reason for him to budge.

Roberts confirms authenticity of draft, orders leak investigation: . Should the leaker be discovered, assuming they are a staff person, at the least they will be fired. However, should the leaker not be discovered, the entire institution of the Supreme Court will be damaged to its core. I wonder whether this person will come forward on their own in the near future. WSJ: More: .

CNN’s Toobin believes the Court will move to overturn other progressive measures, such as gay marriage: . Removal of individual rights is a very slippery slope for the GOP. Removal of a woman’s right to choose creates an instant majority opposing the Court. Elimination of equal marriage rights expands that majority. Very dark days are ahead for the Court – indeed, they may already be here.

Confirmation that the Latino vote is becoming increasingly Republican: . The reasons given in this article are compelling. First, the Democrats are consolidating more highly educated voters (for example, suburban women). This explains the current politics around Roe. Second, this trend has left less educated voters seeing the Democrats as elitist, particularly working class men and Hispanics.

The article is right to point out that Republicans haven’t figured anything out in terms of policy. So they have figured out not to talk about policy. That has been replaced by racism and the cult around Orange Julius. And this in turn makes OJ’s performance in anointing candidates so critical in setting up the November elections.

JD Vance wins Ohio GOP primary for US Senate: . As noted in the article, OJ’s endorsement doubled Vance’s support, and he beat his (OJ supporting) opponent Josh Mandel 34% to 27%. As we suggested previously, because OJ supporters turn out in higher percentages than other voters, Vance won more comfortably than others predicted. We are now 1-0 in our twelve predictions for May. More on the Ohio vote: . WSJ: More: .

Meanwhile, Joe Manchin tapes an ad for a GOP candidate: . So, this is odd. Due to redistricting, West Virginia features a race between two incumbent GOP congressmen. Manchin obviously knows both, as he leads the West Virginia delegation in Washington. Manchin felt one was lying against the other, and slandering Manchin in the process, so Manchin taped an ad calling the liar out.

Chinese hacks steal trillions in corporate intellectual property: .