News for August 22 — Updated Pfizer Booster FDA Submission

Updated Pfizer booster FDA submission: . Moderna will likely submit their updated booster soon. WSJ: More: .

CDC recommends Novavax shot for adolescents: .

Fauci sets December retirement: . To say that GOP politics has weaponized government service is an unjust understatement. The ongoing attacks on federal institutions to prove loyalty to the Orange Furor disgrace the Founders and the almost 250 years of Americans’ efforts to advance the rule of law. WSJ: More: .

Zero COVID policy may have accelerated drop in Chinese birth rate: . For a country with a rapidly aging population, this ridiculous COVID management approach has far-reaching and disastrous consequences.

WSJ: More polio concerns in New York: .

Monkeypox spreads to all 50 states: .

Heart disease may have more subtle signs in women: . This finding reinforces previous studies. Apparently, women’s awareness of the risk has declined over the last decade. Heart disease remains the Number 1 killer of women, taking one-third of all female lives lost each year.

WSJ: Brain zapping may improve memory function: . This work has a fair distance to travel before practical applications become available.

Why the Dow dropped over 600 points today (Monday): . As we have been saying, the market is not listening to what the Fed is saying. So the Fed will crank up the volume. WSJ: More: .

UK economy shrank 11% in 2020, worst decline in over 300 years: . This result reflects the latest revision to the 2020 GDP figures. As the economy is expected to slip into recession this year, this is also one of the most unstable periods for economic output in British history.

Shelling continues around largest Ukraine nuclear plant: . Both the UN and the US are making substantial efforts to create a demilitarized zone around the plant. This shelling (apparently Russian) is absolutely reckless and unconscionable.

The truth hurts: Local news analyst fired for calling Orange Julius … orange: .

The trajectory of the Orange Julius document litigation: . I agree with this analysis. The documents belong to the federal government, and anyone would be in trouble for violating the custody chain. If you believe no one is above the law, then the trajectory of this case becomes obvious.

Orange Julius had 300 classified documents at Mar-a-Lago: . IN THE FREAKING BASEMENT??? This certainly looks like the largest breach of physical copies of classified material in US history.

Judge backpedals on content of OJ affidavit release: . We all knew this. So the judge is issuing a warning to reduce expectations.

Insanity continues to grip the GOP: . Let’s for a moment just assume that this ridiculous defense created by Mike Turner is true. We know Orange Julius rarely reads anything. We know others wrote his prior books. So Congressman Turner is saying OJ would give classified government documents to a third party to write a flattering memoir. Now you know why everyone else in the photo is looking at the floor.

Here’s an alternate speculation that actually makes sense: . Note that this also leads to the conclusion that OJ would show the documents to third parties in his own, deluded self-interest. And evidence backs this speculation and my conclusion: .

OJ attorneys failed to maintain data security of voting records: . The problems associated with advocating for Orange Julius and his lies continue to multiply exponentially.

OJ sues to ask a federal judge to appoint a special master to review the documents seized from Mar-a-Lago and to prevent further DOJ review of those documents until the special master has been appointed: . WSJ: More: . This has every appearance of desperation on the part of the OJ forces. The documents were seized after a federal judge authorized the search warrant. There is no known evidence that the FBI violated the terms of the warrant. Also, the FBI has already returned the passports it mistakenly took, and presumably will return any other materials not covered by the search warrant.

The claim of violation of OJ’s Fourth Amendment rights is absurd on its face. Apparently there is no dispute that the FBI retrieved 11 sets of classified documents. As such, the search was not only reasonable, it produced the desired results. So at best, this is a delaying tactic and the court should make every effort not to participate in unreasonable delay.

Why Herschel Walker is not qualified to serve in the Senate: . The bar is extremely low – for example, Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley. But Herschel Walker lacks basic understanding of just about everything outside of football.

DOT dashboard for interrupted travel goes live September 2: . It can be very complicated to determine what airlines owe you when your flight is cancelled or delayed. So the new DOT interactive dashboard should help travelers answer their questions quickly.

Sea change coming to PGA: . We are currently witnessing massive upheaval in college sports in general and football in particular. The threat of LIV is now pushing PGA to restructure. Golf being perhaps the most hidebound sport, the coming changes will permanently alter the business of golf going forward.

Tom Weiskopf passes at 79: .

Webb telescope composite images of Jupiter: . These images are quite striking. They show Jupiter in a way no one has ever seen before.