News for August 18 — Updated COVID Vaccine Coming Soon

Updated COVID vaccine coming soon: . So the doctor’s comments that timing the booster are like timing the stock market are not helpful. This assumes a major seasonal component to COVID transmission, which is simply not true. The doctor is a pediatrician, not an epidemiologist, and appears to be more of a publicity seeker than an expert.

As the article notes, COVID cases are currently running about 100,000 daily in the US (and it’s mid-August!). In my view, a person should take the booster when first eligible, as the government has tended to re-up eligibility every 4 to 6 months as immunity fades. Right now, that would mean take the existing booster if you haven’t, and then take the new shot in 4 months.

WSJ: COVID treatments become insurer responsibility: . No time frame is given here, and there are significant coverage issues for the uninsured. Those over 64 will continue to have Medicare coverage of these treatments. However, as the article notes, Medicare and Medicaid do not cover antiviral treatments as they are approved under an EUA.

WHO recommends France’s Valneva COVID vaccine: .

Inflation Reduction Act helps millions with healthcare expenses: .

World COVID cases drop 24%, but deaths rise in Asia: .

Fed still talking tough on interest rate hikes: . WSJ: More: . The market fails to recognize who has the juice here. Still more: . This talk could kill the 50 basis point move, which in my view is the right move and not the easing those in the market are currently imagining.

WSJ: Home sales drop for sixth straight month: . R-E-C-E-S-S-I-O-N …

China’s factories are shutting down again: . Now power shortages are causing factories to close. Global recession takes another step forward.

OJ Organization CFO pleads guilty to tax fraud: . Another domino falls as the prosecutors move up the food chain. Weisselberg faces substantial prison time if he fails to deliver in the OJ Organization trial. With the judgment here at $2 million, at the least the government is looking for tens of millions from the OJ Organization. This will also increase problems with the OJ Organization’s ability to borrow, which is critical in real estate. But note that Weisselberg must testify against the organization, not OJ personally as he has refused to do. WSJ: .

Is Jared a rat?: . Yes, of course, but he may also be the mole who provided some of Orange Julius’ secrets to the DOJ.

Judge wants to release a redacted affidavit in Mar-a-Lago search: . This surprises me. However, documents are often heavily redacted and contain limited useful information. DOJ has a week to propose a redacted document: . WSJ: More: .

More Orange Julius illegal behavior: . The philosophy of “the one-man crime wave” is to do anything he wants and then pay lawyers to keep him out of prison. Will this come to an end in the next 18 months?

Liz Cheney’s war chest: . That $7 million is going to war against Orange Julius, one way or the other.

McConnell admits GOP unlikely to regain control of the Senate: . More: . In politicspeak, Mitch is admitting defeat. He is pointing his finger directly at Orange Julius. While stuff can still happen before November, the Democrats look to gain perhaps two seats in the Senate. This will effectively end the presidency of Joe Manchin.

The battle will now shift to the House. The Democrats face a very uphill fight to retain their majority. However, expectations of a 40-seat GOP majority are fading. Betting is now on a 15 to 20 seat majority. The best Democratic strategy in my view comes down to one thing: turnout in purple Congressional districts. Okay, spend money on candidates, but focus all available funds on getting Democratic and swing voters to the ballot box in all places purple.

Alabama remains a racist third world location: . When a note about this appeared in national news, I wondered what image could contain “hidden images” of the KKK. Of course, in Alabama they reprinted the image. While I generally refrain from republishing trash, in this case you should take a look. How can anyone describe this as a hidden image? But now we know why this made national news. Lawrence County is in rural northern Alabama, west of Huntsville, where actual educated people live. They’re immigrants, of course.

Meanwhile, another steaming pile from DeMentis: . So the only people they found were felons? The obvious defense is selective enforcement. That is, among all the people who could be investigated for voter fraud, the state has focused on one very narrow group. Also, as the article makes clear, there is often confusion and no intent to defraud. Ron knows this. He is just a massive jerk who will never be elected president (GOP nominee, maybe). And I’m still hoping Charlie Crist can knock him off in November.

And by the way, they found 20 voters in a state with 22 million residents? This affects elections? Surely Florida taxpayers should expect better uses of their taxes than funding some jerk’s Presidential fantasies.

NFL’s Goodell actually does something right: . The 11-game suspension is the practical equivalent of a year’s suspension, so that’s good. However, I have decided to not watch any game with Deshaun Watson ever, imposing my own lifetime ban on this jerk. I’m also banning the Browns, at least until Watson is no longer with the team, even if he is not playing. I am disgusted that they would trade for this loser knowing the situation.

Here’s another sign the world is coming to an end, right in my neck of the woods: . We’re still battling the Japanese murder hornets, by the way … I’m expecting Godzilla to come up the Columbia anytime now …