News for January 12 — Updated COVID Booster Safe for Children

Updated COVID booster safe for children: .

COVID vaccine heart problems rare: . While I strongly support free speech, rights come with responsibilities. The First Amendment did not contemplate that any idiot with a keyboard could publish his uninformed opinion or intentional lie.

Paxlovid rebound recap: . It does appear Paxlovid is being underutilized. As readers know, I disagree with Dr. Farber’s comment that the latest subvariants are significantly less virulent than earlier versions of COVID. We continue average about 300 deaths daily, which is over 100,000 per year.

WSJ: NYC nurses’ strike ends: . Wage increases of over 19% over 3 years were adopted. Who thinks inflation is being tamed?

COVID accelerates China’s demographic shift: . Yes, China has a very low fertility rate. However, the demographer misses the impact of COVID in reducing the elderly population. So we must hope that accurate mortality data is provided to allow an excess mortality calculation. This will quantify the actual impact of COVID on China’s elderly. More: .

Mainland Chinese travel to Hong Kong for mRNA vaccines: .

China’s COVID tsunami: . I agree that the rural areas are the next focal point, due to Lunar New Year travel. However, the continued description of the current COVID tsunami as a one-and-done wave borders on the ridiculous. Just as everywhere else in the world, China will experience repeated COVID waves over the next several years before the disease reaches endemic status. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: US cancer deaths decline by 1/3 since 1991: .

Weekly jobless claims remain low at 205,000: WSJ: .

WSJ: Chip problems in Taiwan: .

WSJ: Ukraine says Soledar fight continues: .

AG Garland appoints special counsel to review Biden classified document situation: . This is a matter of public interest primarily because of the false comparison to Orange Julius’ mishandling and refusal to return classified documents.

OJ to hold first 2024 campaign event: . OJ announced his campaign November 16. This is the first event outside of staged events at Mar-a-Lago. Doesn’t seem well-run, does it? WSJ: More: . Ramps up? So how low must the Journal stoop to cast news in a favorable light for its conservative readers?

WSJ: Proud Boys trial opens: .

WSJ: Record ocean warming: . Seriously, who would voluntarily write casualty insurance in Florida?

Lisa Marie Presley passes at 54: . Elvis, her father, died of cardiac arrest at 42, and Elvis’ mother died of cardiac arrest at 46. So this tragedy creates the strong suggestion of a genetic cause.