News for July 20 — Unvaccinated Think Vaccine More Risky than COVID

Unvaccinated think vaccine more risky than COVID: . So, this is the first time in my lifetime that politics and misinformation are putting millions of lives at risk. We now have over 150 million people vaccinated in this country. We have over 600,000 COVID deaths. There are 791 deaths among the vaccinated, but only 3 appear related to the vaccine: . More: . Again, our educational system appears to be failing a significant percentage of Americans.

Delta variant now 83% of new US cases: . WSJ: More: . The train picks up speed.

Thousands of breakthrough cases reported in North Carolina: . The train is at full steam in North Carolina.

Israelis say 3 existing drugs almost 100% effective against COVID: .

GOP liars come around to vaccination: . Here’s another group of stable geniuses who have realized that the pandemic is now costing them voters and viewers. It only took 18 months. However, the problem is, nobody is taking medical advice from these losers.

French backlash on vaccination passports: .

The good news from India: 2/3 of Indians have coronavirus antibodies: . This of course suggests that the Delta variant has heavily invaded the population, but at least they now have some natural immunity.

The bad news from India: Excess deaths suggest India’s COVID deaths may be as high as 4.7 million: . WSJ: More: .

WSJ: More on the potential J&J subsidiary talc bankruptcy: . Still more: .

WSJ: Haiti inaugurates new (interim) president: .

Some at Fox “News” trying to distance themselves from The Big Lie: .

More on how really nuts Orange Julius is: . Maybe all these biographies are the catharsis America needs to move on. Most of us were ready a long time ago. But just maybe the GOP is coming around a bit: . Two problems: (1) who else does the GOP have? (Hint: Nobody); (2) there are many scenarios where Biden is not a candidate in 2024. But who else do the Democrats have? My guess is that a fresh face is required here too. In other words, no one from the 2020 Democratic field other than Biden can successfully compete for the presidency in 2024.

Head of OJ’s inaugural committee arrested and charged: . So, it’s safe to say this activity is not an honest mistake. The work of draining the swamp continues. And …

Wilbur Ross misled Congress on census citizenship question: . They didn’t have to probe too deeply to figure this out.

First Oath Keepers associate accepts 51 to 63 month sentence for January 6 insurrection: . However, this fellow is offering substantial assistance to the feds and appears to be a “little fish”. So this looks like a strong message to the other defendants as to the minimum sentences the government will accept in plea deals.

Amazon in Space: . WSJ: More: . This is not a sequel to “Amazon Women on the Moon” (1987), but it might be a prequel. Bezos sparked controversy for thanking all Amazon employees and customers for “paying for” his trip.

The Bootleg fire is likely to be historic: . WSJ: More: . At 364,000 acres burned, this is now larger than the Tillamook Burn, a series of fires that burned 355,000 acres at the coast between 1933 and 1951. And again, this fire may burn for many more weeks.