News for June 24 — Unvaccinated Now Suffer Almost All COVID Deaths

Unvaccinated now suffer almost all COVID deaths: . According to the AP analysis, in May the unvaccinated represented 99.9% of the 853,000 hospitalizations and 99.2% of the 18,000 deaths. This information needs to get to the unvaccinated.

US COVID daily deaths below 300: . Meanwhile, the US could return to 1,000 daily deaths from COVID again next year: . Again, the pandemic is not over, either globally or in the US.

The coronavirus pandemic of 18,000 BC: . This is based on data from East Asia. Hmmm … More: .

Mixing and matching vaccines: (link replaced 10/27/21).

Unusual COVID protein may be good target for drug development to fight the disease: .

CDC extends eviction ban one month for the last time, to July 31: . This has been a nightmare for landlords. We can expect a substantial number of court filings on August 1. Here comes another significant economic disruption. Living in your car in August is particularly dangerous in much of the country.

During pandemic, drug overdose deaths soar among blacks: . In 2020, drug overdose deaths among blacks were up 50%. However, overdose deaths were up 42% in the general population. There were 92,000 overdose deaths in the 12 months ending in November 2020. Causes include the increased stress caused by the pandemic and an irregular drug supply.

COVID delta variant could be 90% of infection in Europe by August: .

COVID lambda variant dominant in Peru: .

WSJ: Canada not ready to open US border: . Ironically, both the US and Canada have a southern border problem. More: .

US to provide 3 million vaccine doses to Afghanistan: . Does this represent a “parting gift”?

WSJ: Europe and Putin: We’re not talking to him, you talk to him: . Not exactly profiles in courage, is it?

Louisiana joins 25 Republican states in cutting federal unemployment benefits: . Note that the cut comes July 31, only one month before the federal benefits end, and that additional state benefits are being provided.

Unemployment filings drop faster in states cutting federal unemployment benefits: . Duh. The headline and the writer miss the story. Filings are lower in those states because you get less (or no) benefits. Within the article, we learn that hiring has not picked up in the cancelling states. Indeed, it has picked up more rapidly in the non-cancelling states. The cancellations are the non-evidence-based political decisions of the GOP. The cancellations fall most heavily on the poor and minorities. Racism and discrimination against the poor are apparently quite popular with the GOP governors.

WSJ: COVID at the Olympics: .

China invests in education to reverse birthrate decline: .

What caused the Miami condo collapse?: . If one part of the building was sinking faster than the rest, you would expect cracks and unlevel floors. So far reports cite 1 dead, 10 injured, and 99 missing. WSJ: More: . Still more: .

WSJ: Cookie removal delayed: . Uh-huh. Isn’t this a win for sellers over consumers?

Pelosi announces select House committee on January 6: . I wonder if the Republicans on the committee will be drawn from the 35 who favored an investigation. The GOP position remains bizarre. WSJ: More: .

Bipartisan deal on infrastructure advances: . The total deal is $1.2 billion, with roughly half in a bipartisan bill on traditional infrastructure. The remaining half will cover climate change and other Democratic priorities, and will be passed by Democrats through reconciliation. WSJ: Details: .

WSJ: Schumer manages Manchin: . This is in contrast to McConnell, who lets his caucus hide behind his skirts.

Is there a Senate police reform deal?: . The Senate is going on recess for two weeks. Scott said he had to have a deal in June, which did not happen. Therefore, the lack of any details suggests they may not exist.

US preparing to relocate Afghan interpreters: . Another marker appears of the complete incompetence of the prior administration. Note that tens of thousands are involved. As noted yesterday, Kabul is the new Saigon. More: . Still more: . GOP politics over reality has been around for a long time, and has deadly consequences.   WSJ: More: . POSSIBLE Taliban retaliation? Does WSJ even follow the news?

Chauvin sentencing tomorrow: . There are few mitigating factors (first-time offender, but a murder). However, there are considerable aggravating circumstances: Cruelty, victim under control of officer, murder in front of children, global outrage. The prediction in the article (between the average of 12 ½ and the maximum of 40) is not much of a prediction. As 25 is twice the average, I’ll guess the sentence will be between 20 and 30 years.

The rule of law rules out Rudy: . Drip, drip, drip has now opened the first major crack in the Orange Julius house of cards. WSJ: More: .

Another dose of reality for GOP: . I wonder if Fox is serving this medicine to its viewers. Will it help them believe in videotape again? Reality is a tough sell in the GOP: . This is utter, shameful nonsense.

Portland faces historic heat this weekend. Our all-time hottest temperature is 107. The forecast is for 4 days of extreme heat this weekend, with Saturday pegged at 109. Whether or not that occurs, this type of heat is always seen here around August 1. Our forests are already extremely dry from historically low rainfall this spring. You will remember our horrific fires last summer. Conditions are worse right now than they were last year at this time. Lightning storms will come to Oregon sometime this summer, and the results could be devastating: .

WSJ: The search for life on Mars: .