News for June 7 — UK Variant Evades Initial Immune Response

UK variant evades initial immune response: (link replaced 10/13/21). Other variants evade the response as well, but by different mechanisms.

COVID aerosols penetrate deeply into the lungs: . Interesting (if terrifying) research is illuminating the mechanics of COVID infection.

Oregon may cross the 70% vaccination threshold in a week to 10 days: . The governor will lift COVID restrictions here when we do.

A new vaccination incentive: Erase a parking ticket: . This strikes me as having a whole host of legal problems, so interested parties should get their vaccination quickly.

Does a plant-based diet reduce COVID severity?: . This could be true, but I’m skeptical. There is no obvious causal link here.

FDA approves Alzheimer’s drug: . This feels like an expensive dose of false hope, based on earlier reports. WSJ: More: . Still more: .

India to offer free vaccines to all adults: . Interestingly, news coverage of the government’s response has evolved over the course of the pandemic: . WSJ: India speeding vaccinations with federal intervention: . It must gall the Journal to report that another country has learned the need for federal involvement in pandemic management.

WHO chief calls on developed countries to donate 50% of their vaccines to COVAX: . I can understand why he would say this, but the producing countries will decide distribution. So far, some is through COVAX and some is through bilateral agreements. However, any country with production capacity will want to vaccinate its citizens first. So that takes India out of the export picture for some time, and should be an issue for China. WSJ: Meanwhile, the IMF is getting involved to get the issue in front of the G7: .

Bots are a major source of COVID disinformation on Facebook: . The article asks an important question: Can everyone agree to the elimination of automated disinformation on social media platforms? The enemies of truth (Russia, China) might not stop, but powerful policing of the platforms could squeeze them out.

India to check Ganges for coronavirus: . Water is not believed to be a transmission medium for COVID. However, with so many bodies floating in the river, this check seems prudent.

Peru’s election remains in doubt: .

DOJ recovers 85% of the bitcoins paid in the Colonial Pipeline Ransomware attack: (link replaced 10/13/21). Great job by DOJ! Colonial paid a 7-digit ransom to Russian hackers, and then DOJ gave the hackers the middle digit, if you know what I mean. WSJ: More: .

Here’s another big US cyber success: .

DOJ makes body cams mandatory for federal agents: . This is logical. It will be interesting to see what evidence this produces.

The analysts agree: There is major economic dislocation: . The “new normal” will be distinctly different from the old normal. One of the differences will be workers demanding increased flexibility. Remote work is a central part of that which is here to stay. Cybersecurity becomes a central issue in economic progress.

The popularity of paid leave: . Here is another component of the flexibility mentality.

Another player in the infrastructure sweepstakes: . Democrats are freaking out over Manchin. However, Manchin is a lifelong Democrat and knows he cannot personally stiff Biden’s agenda. Something will pass, although likely a smaller package than Biden’s original or revised proposal. Meanwhile, the New York Times believes this will be Manchin’s last tern in the Senate: (link replaced 10/13/21). Manchin is a popular former governor. The Republicans will have to come up with a strong candidate. I agree that it is way too soon to tell.

OJ’s Elite of the Left Behind: . This article on the psychology of Orange Julius’ base presents a macro view that matches well with my micro evidence. That is, here in the Northwest there is small-town white fear of the Hispanics who have moved in for agricultural work. The whites feel “left behind”, and now their “culture” has been degraded by outsiders. It is absolutely racism, anger and intolerance, even if they don’t understand it that way. “Left behind” wants to be “left alone”.

The view from Spudville: . There is a lot of similar sentiment in eastern Oregon and Washington, which is why the eastern counties have talked of seceding and joining Idaho. In Oregon, that’s a lot of land with very few people. The mask outrage makes no sense from a public health or civic responsibility standpoint. But it does match up with a “Don’t Tread on Me” mentality.

“Independence” and foreign relations: . There is a natural connection between independence and flexibility. This may be China’s Achilles heel in integrating into the world community.

The need for immigration reform: . The problem is, 60 votes in the Senate is essentially unobtainable in the current political climate.

COVID and gun rights: . As stated previously, it is (past) time for Judge Benitez to leave the bench. The dicta here (extraneous and false analogies) simply have no place in a competently written decision.

Capitol Police leadership turmoil continues: .

DeMentis moves on to foreign policy: . DeMentis awaits the fall of Orange Julius. Et tu, Brute?

China advances nuclear fusion research: . This really is a huge advance over prior results. A sustainable fusion reaction would completely alter civilization’s access to energy. We could almost fully address the burning of fossil fuels, and save the plan’s climate.