News for March 27 — The Vaccination Doughnut Debate

The vaccination doughnut debate: . It’s one doughnut, not a carton of cigarettes. If this makes someone feel better about getting vaccinated, that’s great.

Vaccinated older Americans venture out: . This is heartwarming, but we do not know enough about the variants yet. Also, vaccines are not 100% effective even for the original COVID strain. I will be venturing out two weeks after my second shot, but carefully. I will also wear a mask, primarily to encourage others. And I will watch the prominence of variants in my community.

WSJ: High-tech face masks: .

Trapping coronavirus with a molecular decoy: . This is a very creative idea to immobilize the spike protein.

New York launches vaccination app: . This seems wise to get Broadway (and sports) rolling again.

UK planning variant booster shots for elderly starting in September: . This is completely appropriate and wise planning. Hopefully they will do at least limited clinical trials to mitigate vaccine skepticism.

French surge continues: .

Germany warns of coming surge’s severity: . It was politics to back off the Easter lockdown. However, whether the surge is severe or not, Merkel is open to criticism. You can bet the opposition will do so.

WSJ: The P.1 surge in Brazil: . This is why variants remain my main concern.

WSJ: Vaccinating indigenous Australians: .

Did Dr. Birx enable Orange Julius?: . Ted Lieu is correct. She failed at her job, as stated here previously.

WSJ: More on the Suez Canal blockage: . And: . Still more: . There were issues with some of the WSJ links yesterday, which are now corrected. The Journal remains obsessed with this story.

Myanmar military kills more unarmed protestors: . Myanmar appears headed for long-term authoritarian rule. The international community is doing very little to stop the military. WSJ: More: .

Corporations sidestep their pledge not to fund election deniers: . Just to be clear, money corrupts politics. We should publicly fund federal campaigns. Congress should overturn Citizens United – money is not speech.