News for September 11 — The Pandemic is NOT Over

The pandemic is NOT over: . People certainly wish the pandemic was over, but that is not the way science works. To reiterate our long-time positions, the pandemic is an arms race between the virus and the vaccines. As the human population has gradually built immunity, the mortality risk of the virus has gradually decreased. However, it remains quite possible that a more deadly mutation will appear. Also, long COVID is not well understood and an increasing threat. The turning point in the pandemic will occur when a universal coronavirus vaccine comes online.

Traditional fall topics: football, the World Series, and the “twindemic”: . Every year some doctors bring up the possibility of a twindemic of flu and COVID waves at the same time. They are, after all, both respiratory diseases and there is increased risk as people go indoors to poorly ventilated spaces. The pandemic, however, is not particularly seasonal. The risk of a twindemic turns on the virility of the flu virus. This year that risk is greater because of a serious flu season in the Southern Hemisphere.

WSJ: COVID confusion at sea: . As always, this remains a fleet of floating Petri dishes. Note that the Petri dishes now allow greater numbers of unvaccinated travelers to board. Just say no.                                                                                                                                                  

Twenty-first anniversary of 9/11 attacks: . WSJ: More: . We will never forget: .

WSJ: Inflation eased in August: . But note carefully that some of this easing reflects fear of recession. That fear underlies the decline in gas prices and retail products (where inventories are being reduced).

WSJ: US produce quality in significant decline: .

Market bears continue to predict a significant stock decline:|2 .

WSJ: The global problems from a stronger dollar: . The dollar’s strength represents a flight to safety. Until Ukraine completely defeats Russia, the dollar will remain strong. Here is an alternate viewpoint, also from WSJ: .

Russians continue Ukraine retreat but hit power stations on the way out: . The Russians are showing complete hostility to Ukrainian civilian life. The invaders have demonstrated themselves to be the true Nazis in Ukraine.

WSJ: The problems of Ukraine’s gains: . Sadly, these writers have very little understanding of anything they are talking about. A square with sides of 32 miles contains 1,024 square miles. That square has no relationship to an advance of 700 miles, particularly where we are discussing supply lines. As I have noted before, the main gain associated with these advances is that more forward positions are now accessible by Ukrainian artillery pieces. The disruption of Russian supply lines will increase, further damaging Russian morale.

WSJ: Orange Julius’ legal “strategy”: . Ty Cobb has it right, and Chris Kise will soon become the latest lawyer to learn that lesson. Kise has gone in with full knowledge of an unmanageable client and only his personal ego in the way. I have no sympathy for him.

Senate Intelligence Committee chair urges judge to permit briefing of Congress on intelligence risk assessment of the Mar-a-Lago documents: . Again, the judge’s incompetence remains on full display. She needs to listen to the DOJ and immediately return the federal government’s property (the documents) to the federal government. The law is clear.

Speaking of judicial incompetence, the knives are out for Alito: . I’m with Brutus on this one. There is simply no way that the Supreme Court can shift costs of coverage under the ACA to the federal government. Alito’s comment was irresponsible, and it has consequences.