News for April 18 — The Ongoing COVID Booster Discussion

The ongoing COVID booster discussion: . Actuaries are used to balancing risk against reward. This article talks about varying viewpoints concerning the reward. But my question is, what is the risk? The medical risk appears near zero. We know, certainly for those over 65 covered by Medicare, there is no out-of-pocket expense. And we also know that protection by the booster against infection begins to wane significantly after about 4 months. So why would anyone wait if it has been more than 4 months since they received their first booster? More: .

Another question is what second booster to choose. The evidence suggests mix-and-match is no less effective, and quite possibly more effective. I have had three doses of Moderna, so will pursue receiving Pfizer as my second booster.

WSJ: BA2 meets Americans’ legendary lack of patience: . Even the Journal is now warning its readers that the pandemic is not over.

Florida judge bans air travel mask mandate nationwide: . No word from DOJ on whether the ruling will be appealed. But for now, enforcement will stop: .

WSJ: J&J settles opioid litigation with West Virginia for $99 million: .

CDC empties the Level 4 “Do Not Travel” list: . Previously, 89 countries were on the list. WSJ: More: .

COVID antibodies nearly universal on Java: . Java is the largest and most populated island in the world at 156 million. By contrast, Australia, the world’s smallest continent and very close to Java, has a population of 26 million, 1/6 of Java’s. Thus, the population density per square kilometer is 1,182 in Java, but only 3.3 in Australia. However, Australia is way ahead in kangaroos and sheep.

The ongoing non-discussion of Zero COVID in China: . At a very basic level, this story shows the advantages of a democracy.

Zero COVID creates mountains of plastic trash: . Hong Kong has only an 11% plastics recycling rate? Shameful.

Shanghai quarantine conditions: . The Chinese don’t even subject the Uyghurs to these conditions.

Current highest daily COVID cases counts globally: . Take some care in relying on this reporting. For one thing, April 15 was Friday, not Thursday! But the daily COVID case data really makes you wonder about China. Shanghai’s daily COVID case count has been over 26,000, and Shanghai is only one of 44 cities under full or partial lockdown. No surprise, but the Chinese are almost certainly understating their current daily COVID cases.

WSJ: Update on lockdown effects on the Chinese economy: . We’ve reported much of this news over the past several days, but the Journal offers some new sector-by-sector analysis.

Russian offensive in Donbas begins: . On the first day of fighting along the 300-mile front, the Russians have broken through in only two small towns. It appears the Russians decided to not attack on Easter Sunday. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Update on Ukrainian refugees: .

Sanctions will cost 200,000 jobs in Moscow: . Red Julius is failing so badly he is beginning to enter Orange Julius territory. Foolish lies simply do not constitute a governing strategy of any kind.

Russian news site Mediazona fights for survival: .

Russia running out of foreign currency options: . The most viable currencies in Russia right now are potatoes and vodka.

US interest rate increases are pounding the yen: .

WSJ: Israel’s government at risk once again: . Israel’s government continues to be less stable than Italy’s.

Florida rejects 40% of submitted school math textbooks: . It’s not obvious what controversy is associated with math books. How does “common core” detract from the content of a math textbook? Critical thinking is only controversial if you’re incapable of it.

The contraction of evangelism: . Here’s an argument for the separation of church and state from the church’s point of view. I find it encouraging that only 8% of white millennials identify as evangelical. Regarding the Bible as literal truth has some real serious obstacles – for example, the Garden of Eden or the virgin birth, among many others. Maybe now we’re getting to the “controversy” over critical thinking.

Alex Jones’ InfoWars forced into surrender: . Jones is so deserving of this. The multimillion dollar questions are: (1) does Jones have personal liability for these judgments against his horrific lies; and (2) will people on the right still listen to him? The answer to (2) is likely yes. When you substitute hate for critical thinking, facts don’t matter. WSJ: More: . The Journal article (unintentionally) details this scumbag’s legal strategy – run out the clock. However, unlike the GOP, he can’t get off the hook in the November elections. As we have noted before, the courts are losing patience with Jones.

The Ever Forward finally moves forward again: . The remaining questions are: (1) what damage did the dredging do to the estuary and its fishery; and (2) will Evergreen manage to hire captains who can follow directions?

WSJ: The Post Office will slow first class package delivery: . Will we reach the point where the Post Office is slower than the Pony Express? This creates a new application for the phrase “beating a dead horse”. I cannot imagine how this represents a responsible business plan for the Post Office, unless they’ve concluded that delivering nothing is more cost-effective than their current performance. Remember, many people rely on the Post Office for medication delivery.