News for February 9 — The Gas Stove Health Debate

The gas stove health debate: . This article skips to the politics without discussing the health issues. It turns out that gas appliances continuously leak small amounts of natural gas. Of course, a significant leak can blow up a home, or even a neighborhood. As natural gas contains benzene, it presents a health hazard. And it has now been shown to increase rates of childhood asthma.

The politicians lining up behind natural gas are of course looking for contributions from gas suppliers. Ted Cruz is actually a competitor, as he has repeatedly proven he produces more natural gas than anyone else on the planet.

WSJ: We just say whatever comes into our heads: . This article argues that the chance of recession has decreased because hiring in jobs like restaurants, nursing homes and child care is more than offsetting job losses in tech. The jobs that are declining have high disposable income; the jobs that are growing have little. The article also notes that many employers of low-paid workers are now withdrawing signing bonuses. At best, the Journal’s conclusion is a non sequitur. Meanwhile, Yahoo will lay off 20% of its (small) workforce: .

WSJ: Credit Suisse appears to implode: . When a large bank’s stock loses two-thirds of its value in 12 months, things are more than not good.

Chinese spy balloon sought secret communications at military installations: . Remember the initial comments that it was unclear what intelligence a balloon could collect that a satellite could not? An answer has emerged. More: . WSJ: Who made the Chinese balloon?: . Other reports indicate that parts already recovered have printing in English, suggesting the manufacturer is Western. One can expect US sanctions are under consideration for the companies involved.

WSJ: China sees increasing inflation: .

WSJ: Where are the tanks for Ukraine?: . This is clearly a problem for Ukraine on the eastern front.

Turkey-Syria death toll now over 21,000: . Latest reports are that over 6,000 buildings have collapsed in Turkey. However, conditions are apparently worse in Syria. WSJ: More: . Still more: .

Pence subpoenaed by OJ special counsel: . Again, I expect indictments by the Fourth of July at the latest.

January 6 “Confederate flag” insurrectionist sentenced to 3 years in prison: . Personally, I think the sentence is too lenient. Bringing the Confederate flag into the US Capitol was one of the most despicable acts of the insurrection.

Speaking of insurrectionists, Elon Musk: . As the article correctly notes, Musk has tried to portray himself as a hero of the Ukrainian war. He is anything but. Emphasis on but. What an insufferable asshole. WSJ: More: .

New meaning for “Coke float”: . Do you complain when FedEx damages or loses your package? There are alternate shipment methods …

Winner, winner, chicken dinner: . Ah, the good ol’ USA, where you can win $750,000 almost accidentally …

Burt Bacharach passes at 94: . WSJ: More: . Still more: . Notice that Bacharach is universally described as a legendary composer, while David Crosby was described as a songwriter. Both were of course incredibly accomplished. I would just note that memories of Crosby will see a passionate advocate for social justice, while future generations will most likely encounter Bacharach in the elevator. Still, Bacharach did name “Alfie” as his favorite song, and his favorite line resonates in the embarrassment of the House GOP: “Are we meant to take more than we give, or are we meant to be kind?”