News for November 30 — Texas Challenges Pfizer Vaccine Efficacy

Texas challenges Pfizer vaccine efficacy: . It appears Ken Paxton has no understanding of basic math. Paxton‘s figures appear to argue that the vaccine has nearly no impact on susceptibility to COVID. That can’t be true. We will have to wait for the court to sort this out.

Some Medicare plans drop insulin coverage: . One hopes diabetics check their coverage provisions. This surprise would be most unwelcome.

WSJ: Fauci to testify on COVID origins: .

WSJ: J&J hires 6,000 data scientists to discover new drugs: . This seems extremely speculative.

AbbVie to buy Immunogen for $10.1 billion: WSJ: .

WSJ: Cigna-Humana merger faces federal scrutiny: .

Tiny living robots: . These new entities are called anthrobots.

Extending dog years: .

Housing affordability dropping for seniors: .

WSJ: Eurozone inflation falls: .

Israeli-Hamas ceasefire extended to seventh day: . Once again, a last-minute deal means Hamas will release at least 10 more hostages today, and Israel in response will release 30 more Palestinian prisoners. However, in the West Bank Hamas attacked a Jerusalem bus stop, killing 3 Israelis, after IDF forces shot and killed two boys, ages 8 and 15, who they say posed a threat to them. Tensions on both sides are rising, a further indication that the ceasefire will not be permanent and Israel will extend its operation in Gaza to the southern portion of the strip, likely causing more civilian casualties.

UPDATE: Hamas only released 8 hostages today: . Israel still released 30 Palestinian prisoners, so that Hamas has now released 105 hostages, and Israel has released 240 Palestinian prisoners. As of 7 am in Israel, Israel says Hamas had not provided a hostage release list and had fired rockets on Israel. So Israel says it is resuming military operations.

WSJ: Senate Judiciary Committee to subpoena billionaire benefactors of Supreme Court: .

Appeals court reinstates gag order in NY fraud trial: . WSJ: More: . The four judge panel to Orange Julius and his attorneys: Shut the hell up NOW about the court staff. Obviously, the clerk has received a huge number of threatening and anti-Semitic messages. Obviously, OJ’s followers got their inspiration for this illegal behavior from OJ’s bizarre rants. Meanwhile, the arguments made by OJ’s lawyers are disgraceful. They have no place in a court of law. These arguments are only designed to suggest their idiot client has some right to incite violence, and to continue his obscene fundraising efforts. No. Hell no.

DeMentis tries to restart his campaign by debating Newsom: . This just demonstrates DeMentis’ lack of judgment. His Democratic opponent right now is Biden, not Newsom. Newsom is a far stronger debater and presence against DeMentis than Biden. Newsom will hammer DeMentis’ weak record and string of court losses, as well as Ron’s war against Mickey Mouse, which hurts Florida and benefits California. If Ron is trying to create a 2028 presence before his 2024 bid self-destructs, he should fuhgeddaboudit. More: . However, desperation is not a strategy. More shade from the LA Times: . Okay, although Haley-Harris isn’t going to happen either, unless Nikki is Orange Julius’ pick for a running mate, which is highly doubtful. WSJ: Climate change summit: . More: .