News for October 9 — Telemedicine Restrictions Return Post-pandemic

Telemedicine restrictions return post-pandemic: .

WSJ: All Alzheimer’s drugs are now being re-evaluated: . This relates to the trial success of Biogen’s drug. As the article notes, a significant premium increase may follow this year’s Medicare premium decrease (Part B) may in order to pay for this drug. And Medicare is already looking at trust fund bankruptcy (HI, or Part A) in 6 years. 

Russian troops flee from Ukrainian advances in Donetsk region: .

WSJ: Artillery success in Ukraine may restart Howitzer production: . With satellites watching everything on Earth, mobility is now everything. Why do we still have aircraft carriers? Yes, they allow us to move plane squadrons all around the world, but they remain sitting ducks for kamikaze drones.

WSJ: Ukraine destroys a potential Russian resupply hub for Crimea after bridge collapse: . However, the potential for this attack seemed obvious yesterday, as we noted.

Planning for DeMentis migrant flights began in July: . So apparently planning did not include the idea that we need to comply with the law.

Nikki Finke, founder of Deadline, passes at 68: .

Update to readers: Recently, I wrote to say that intermittently this newsletter was arriving with a warning notice. After discussions with my various service providers, I went through a process to verify and authenticate my website to my newsletter campaign provider, Mailchimp. Essentially, this raises checking software’s confidence in the veracity of newsletters, often flagged as part of the effort to combat spam. This process completed on Friday, and to my relief, the messages have disappeared from my checking feed.

Because the warning is intermittent, I cannot yet be absolutely sure the issue is completely resolved. However, if you receive a yellow warning message in the next 3 days, please let me know at . Thank you for your continued support and readership.