News for June 20 — Support for COVID Lab Leak

Support for COVID lab leak theory: WSJ: . Even so, this is support for an accidental and not an intentional lab leak.

Long COVID mimics chronic fatigue syndrome: . Considerable medical research is now finding that many infections become resident in the body, leading to many illness, for example heart disease and chronic arthritis. Also, dental health is extremely important in eliminating the risk of some of these chronic infections.

COVID scientist confronts Nut World: . Hotez is quite courageous to confront the lie machine of the conspiracy theorists. However, like Anthony Fauci, he may have to hire a security detail in order to protect himself protecting science. I am not saying that scientists are always right all the time. However, science is as close as the human race will ever get to objective truth.

Importance of Plan B contraception: . This is an important aspect of the abortion debate. At some point, science needs to overtake religion in allowing women to control their own bodies. As noted here before, if men had babies, we wouldn’t be having this “debate”.

Arkansas gender-affirming care ban struck down: . WSJ: More: . The battle for the right to control your own body goes on.

WSJ: Ozempic maker sues imitators: .

30% of US homeless population lives in California: . This reflects a combination of factors, including that California is the nation’s most populous state at almost 12% of the nation’s total; California has more favorable weather than many states for outdoor living; and as a blue state California has better support programs for the poor.

WSJ: How the US market prices downturns: . The major points in this article are not news – these investments are bad bets right now. However, the article does a good job of quantifying the current pricing of urban debt. Another problem is that much commercial real estate is significantly leveraged. This has already led to so stunning property bankruptcies. At these occupancy rates, it will lead to more. On the bright side, this may not bode well for Orange Julius, Inc.

“Greedflation” keeps inflation high: . This is no surprise, and another part of why inflation is sticky. As we have weakened antitrust laws over the years, those that hold monopolies over various products serve their shareholders first, and the public somewhere down the list.

Western economies continue to raise interest rates: . Meanwhile, WSJ has no idea what this means: . Really, what does it take for the Journal to find people who understand economics? Yes, housing is a significant sector of every economy. But inflation is a macroeconomic problem, housing cost is a narrower issue. Central banks must give the macroeconomic problems priority over narrower issues. Also, the builder’s viewpoint is somewhat disingenuous. Construction borrowing is short-term; that interest cost is a small part of the overall budget. It is the long-term mortgage costs consumers take on that are more dangerous to fiscal stability.

WSJ: EU economic support for Ukraine: . Note that the World Bank estimates Ukraine’s current recovery and reconstruction costs at $411 billion, and of course the war is not over.

WSJ: Russia continues drone attacks against Ukrainian cities: .

House GOP moves to ban release of military service records to the public: . The defense official who calls this a misunderstanding is being too kind. MAGA garbage JR Majewski lost his bid to unseat Ohio representative Marcy Kaptur in 2022 when he misrepresented his military service: . He wants to run again. This is an incredible disservice to military veterans. The current law is doing exactly what it was intended to do, and we absolutely do not need lying trash like Majewski in Congress.

Truth upsets Orange Julius: . Reasonable adults are tired of lunacy being news. Meanwhile, OJ sticks with the same old lies: .

OJ trial date set for August 14, 2023: . We will see if this date holds. As discussed yesterday, as the indictment involves only 10% of the documents improperly taken, my expectation is that DOJ has carefully chosen those mentioned in the indictment. I am encouraged that any delays may be limited.

Orange Julius thought he crushed his Fox interview: . There are two factors at work here: (1) This narcissist always thinks he’s done great; and (2) Stupidity has no limits, as we regularly observe. His lawyers will never be able to return him to reality, but the prosecutors will.

Hunter Biden strikes plea deal with DOJ: . Reporting on this matter has been contradictory. It is unclear whether this resolves all charges, or whether other matters will continue to be investigated by DOJ. While the GOP is of course characterizing this as a sweetheart deal, the actions involved here are not normally charged. That is, tax matters are not criminally charged when the taxes are paid, and felony gun charges almost always involve the improper use of the weapon. WSJ: More: . Still more, maybe: . Again, where is the evidence?

Normally, when a potential defendant signs a plea deal, this ends the entire investigation. That remains unclear here. Meanwhile, of course the GOP criticizes the deal: . Uh-huh. What evidence do you have? Their problem is that so far there is no evidence of any crime worth talking about, and no evidence of anything improper relating to President Biden. WSJ: Yes, but no facts won’t stop us or the GOP: .

Titanic submersible remains missing: . This situation looks grim. Indications are that the submersible suffered a catastrophic event. WSJ: More: . I do not understand why this vessel apparently did not have independently powered locator devices. That seems like a very basic safety precaution that would allow rapid location, especially if a tracking buoy was maintained on the surface. The mother ship apparently also has no ability to track the submersible once launched. These people seem to lack appropriate caution, and that may have killed the firm’s CEO. Still more: .

Ants outnumber humans 25 million to 1: . This made me wonder if in total the ants on the planet weight more than humans in total. People in the past have said the two totals were about equal: . Let’s try our hand at the math.

Suppose the “average” ant weighs 3 mg.  Then 333 ants weigh a gram, and 333 x  454 = 151,182 ants weigh a pound. So 25 million ants weigh 165 pounds. (Also note this math is very dependent on the 3 mg average). When accounting for the differences between men and women, and children and adults, the ant weight total is likely somewhat larger than the human total.  The BBC article, when updated to reflect 20 quadrillion ants, does not contradict our results.

House member Lauren Boebert to force vote on Biden impeachment: . Well, now the House GOP gets down to really important business – stunts for the base. Note that this is not an original Boebert idea (in itself a non sequitur). As the article notes, the concept for this motion comes from Representative Anna Paulina Luna. Of course, her family name has the same word base as lunatic. So, in recognition of her name, people should moon her whenever possible.

WSJ: Paris Olympics office raided over corruption – again: . It is now fair to say the Olympics are routinely corrupt. The article provides the historical and current evidence.

WSJ: We don’t know sports or history, either: . How do you write this article without considering baseball’s rule change eliminating the shift? If everyone is obsessed with power hitting, then baseball would have had no reason to outlaw the shift. Secondly, did anyone notice that Bill James referred to “those of us born in the 19th century”? Bill James, baseball statistician and historian, was born in 1949, not 1899.