Superspreaders create more aerosols: . This research explores why some people create more aerosols. Because COVID-19 spreads primarily person-to-person, the creation of aerosols by breathing or speech is believed to be the primary transmission mechanism.
Overdispersion: new measures of superspreader events: .
Nasal spray protects ferrets from COVID-19: . We’ve come a long way from the quick brown fox. Seriously, given vaccine skepticism, nasal spray protection is a worthwhile alternative.
Significant lung damage found in COVID-19 dead: .
Cornell contains coronavirus: . Elements include an isolated location; rapid, accurate, regular testing through their veterinary college; pooled testing; and broad contact tracing. In other words, they have implemented a comprehensive public health plan.
WSJ: Nursing homes skeptical of free COVID-19 testing equipment: . There is no good news here.
WSJ: Public employees’ retiree healthcare suffers with state and local budget issues: . Note the move from defined benefits to defined contributions, shifting risk off the balance sheet and onto the retirees.
Texas is first state to record over 1 million COVID-19 cases: . Everything’s bigger in Texas … that’s usually not better.
Another US daily case record of 131,420: .
WSJ: US hesitant to lock down as cases surge: . As we know, the balanced approach does not work. First, contain the virus, then re-open. Test, trace, isolate. Science, dammit.
US Friday round-up: . Missouri poll worker dies from COVID-19. Rachel Maddow, JB Pritzker are in quarantine. Kroger limits toilet paper sales. Are we learning anything in this country?
WSJ: French complicate le lockdown: . This makes about as much sense as masculine and feminine nouns in French.
A different view of Sweden’s COVID-19 response: . Privatization in a poorly organized health sector is seen as a significant problem.
WSJ: Russia’s emergency personnel wilt under COVID-19 surge: .
Polluted air in India raises COVID-19 risks: .
USPS missed ballot delivery goals: . There is no DeJoy in Muddville, he’s wanted in federal court: . Defiance of the courts has struck out.
The US Senate is now 48-48, with North Carolina and Alaska races leaning Republican: . Senate control will come down to 2 Senate runoffs in Georgia in January. For those of you living in Georgia, it may be tough to watch commercial TV for the next 2 months. Unless of course you really want to see the same political ads over and over and over…
WSJ: Do-it-yourself 5G: .
WSJ: Service providers suffer: . We know this, but the detail here is interesting.
WSJ: China’s trade surplus widens: . We continue to batter ourselves with our trade war. First, contain the virus, then… aw, you know.
WSJ: Those disappointed that others voted: . I favor a complete ban on assault weapons. We should at least ban all open carry within a half mile of election offices or voting precincts.
WSJ resides in State of Denial: . And our source is … Mick Mulvaney? What exactly is there to litigate, Mick? Are you expecting to flip results in THREE states with no evidence? When have “Trump” and “graceful” ever appeared in the same sentence? Every WSJ print edition tells me the reporting staff is ashamed of the editorial board, with good reason.
WSJ unable to interpret facts: . Let me help you. Bebe Netanyahu is a bit of a special case, and that argument can be made for some others. However, in broad strokes, democratically elected leaders have congratulated Biden. Authoritarians have not. Whoever “Trump’s allies” are, the list is extremely short.
WSJ: Republican rats don’t know which way to scurry: . Kevin McCarthy has commented, you WSJ dimwits. That’s why he now chooses silence. This is not leadership, and most certainly not decency. These people suffer in comparison to Lord of the Flies.
Swamp Fox: . Rupert is 89 and married now to Jagger’s ex, Jerry Hall. The news/host split at Fox mirrors the news/editorial split at WSJ. How rich is Murdoch? Hey, in India the currency is the Rupee. More: .