News for March 14 — More States Find Unreported COVID Deaths

WSJ: More states find unreported COVID deaths: .

More problems for AstraZeneca vaccine: . This article describes calls in the UK for vaccine suspension: . It also mentions anti-vaxxer controversy around Marvin Hagler’s death based on a comment by Tommy Hearns.

Long-hauler COVID remains mysterious: . The pandemic will leave us with a group of people with long-term medical issues. Currently, doctors are unable to define the group clearly or even identify prominent subgroups.

Detailed chronology of one man’s recovery from severe COVID: . This is a helpful reminder of what you don’t want to go through. The man, age 53, has significant medical consequences that appear permanent. His hospital bill, covered by his employer’s insurance, is $1.3 million and counting.

“You Asked for It, 2021”: . This is entirely appropriate community policing.

This video provides a basic summary of how variants arise and the current concerns: . The video is about 13 minutes long, but the article allows you to read key portions of the transcript. This may be useful if you’re trying to explain variants to a family member or someone else not familiar with current research.

The second pandemic: mental health: . Mental health hotline calls are up almost 50% from a year ago. Anxiety and depression are the primary concerns. However, gun sales are also at record levels: . The figures for Illinois and Kentucky are astonishing.

Q&A’s on drinking alcohol and vaccine efficacy: .

There is quite a bit to the issue of vaccine efficacy, so here are some additional comments. First, the current expert comments on efficacy are somewhat disingenuous. If two vaccines trial out at 94% efficacy and a third later trials out at 66%, the later vaccine has lower efficacy despite the time difference. Otherwise, we are drowning in variants. If so, they could overwhelm all of the current vaccines, especially if they continued to mutate.

Second, efficacy is more than just the risk of contracting the disease. The J&J vaccine supposedly is 100% effective at avoiding hospitalization. So if a vaccine reduces disease severity, that is extremely important even if infection remains a risk. Third, reports are that the Pfizer vaccine substantially reduces transmission in asymptomatic people. Again this is incredibly important in ending the pandemic. So keep in mind that efficacy is multifaceted, and the big unknowns are the current and future variants.

Three fully vaccinated people in Hawaii infected by coronavirus: . The writer is apparently somewhere between humorist and ADHD sufferer. To be clear, there is a fourth case involving a partially vaccinated person who caught the UK variant. Given the low case levels in Hawaii, this is somewhat concerning. For people in this circumstance, genomic sequencing is a must. Here we learn that one person is infected with a variant. Also, follow-up is desirable to know the ultimate severity of these cases, and if transmission occurred.

More variant news: . This is a good summary of our current knowledge of each of the major variants.

Wisconsin reports -2 deaths: . We still have data problems; at least some people try to correct them.

WSJ: Case decline in South Africa tests our understanding of infection spread: . The logical explanation offered is that people modify their behavior in the face of a surge in cases. Assuming they do the same on news of a steep decline, that would fully explain waves. This seems like a good challenge for game theory. The mathematical theory of traffic flows also seems relevant.

Paris may face new lockdowns: . More information on the involvement of variants would be helpful. Based on previous reports, this may be the UK variant striking a largely unvaccinated population. The same question applies to the Netherlands: . More on Dutch protests: .

COVID-related protests erupt in Jordan: . It is not clear if the protests are based on the oxygen shortage or the economic situation. The protests of course may further spread the virus.

WSJ: Texas’ Griddy heads to bankruptcy: . There’s no choice when ERCOT strips you of your customers. Note that of ERCOT’s $3.1 billion shortfall, less than 1% of that comes from Griddy. This litigation mess is nowhere near over.

WSJ: The stimulus road show: . This is a direct result of Biden’s experience during the Obama administration. Making policy headlines is a very wise idea right now.

Immediate effects of stimulus: . This is because the folks who have been hanging on will now pay their bills, restock the pantry and so on. The economic concept is the velocity of money, and much of what happens now will be payment of short-term debt (like past-due rent) as well as spending on necessities.

The $1400 checks are less clear – some of that money will go to savings. However, the increase in consumer confidence will fuel other spending, both by those consumers and by businesses. The inflationary risks seem limited, and can be managed by the Fed if they arise.

The long-lasting lesson should be that creating a laser-focus for stimulus money on those who need it. This program, as well as those under Orange Julius, could have been better targeted. We must learn how to do that.

WSJ: Child care benefits from stimulus: . This is so critical to returning women to the workforce. It also supports both parents in a two-wage-earner household.

Tax hikes in the stimulus bill: . As always, complex bills include some surprise last-minute adjustments. It looks like what happened here is that the revisions took the bill $60 billion over the $1.9 trillion limit. Some off-the-shelf tax increases previously priced by the CBO were tossed in the meet the rules of reconciliation.

Will some stimulus provisions become permanent?: . Lifting children out of poverty has been a popular idea.

Will more states expand Medicaid?: . If your citizens are hurting, why wouldn’t you give them healthcare heavily subsidized by the federal government? Wyoming is getting over $1 billion under the stimulus package, which is about $2,000 per resident: .

WSJ: The possibility of a wealth tax: . Long-term budget-balancing: . This should include significant tax code reform to reduce complexity and increase fairness. This should also include increased enforcement. Yes, I favor increased taxes on the wealthy. The progressive income tax structure is our way of asking those with the ability to pay to carry more of the load. After all, they generally do not send their children into the military. It is also an appropriate way to slow excessive wealth concentration, which is a major problem in our economic system.

WSJ: Immigration reform: . It is disturbing that the Dreamers cannot be given permanent legislative protection after this period of time. However, Democrats will need to package this as a stand-alone with something a dozen or more Republicans want in order to pass it. It won’t stand reconciliation scrutiny.

Iowans prefer Grassley would retire: .

The voting rights “debate”: . Stacey Abrams, as readers know, is the founder of Fair Fight, a voting rights organization that is active across the country (about 20 states, I believe). If Greg Abbott wants to litigate on behalf of voter suppression, Texas taxpayers should ask why. If the answer is something other than pure racism, you weren’t told the truth. There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud anywhere. The only significant cases recently involve Republicans.

To be clear, states conduct elections. The federal government, however, clearly has the right to protect citizens’ rights in these elections. The Fourteenth Amendment (1868) and specifically its Equal Protection Clause make this clear. The Voting Rights Acts of 1965 and 1975 carry out this authority.

McConnell’s comments that large portions of the House bill are unconstitutional are mindless inflammation of the uninformed. So Schumer should send the House bill to the appropriate Senate committee for immediate review. The Senate should make any legal adjustments needed, and bring this bill to the floor as soon as possible.

Navy contractor charged in insurrection is Nazi sympathizer: . Going only by the name, his attorney is Jewish.

Another insurrectionist given award after insurrection:

WSJ: Zags story missed: . The Zags are always bashed for playing in a weak conference. The real story (you heard it here first) is that they have exactly 3 important nonconference wins: Iowa, Kansas and Virginia. Can anyone explain how those three teams ended up as seeds 2, 3, and 4 IN THE SAME BRACKET as the Zags? It certainly appears the committee has placed the Zags on cruise control to the Final Four.

WSJ: Drew Brees retires: . Bottom line: Prepare for the return of the Aints.