News for June 5 — Sixth COVID Wave Arrives

Sixth US COVID wave arrives: . More: . We can agree that the pandemic is not over, and cases are rising in a sixth wave. However, the first article implies that COVID is somehow becoming milder, and is on the way to endemic status. That is a possible outcome. But there is no guarantee that the next dominant strain will be as mild as or milder than the current dominant variant.

Meanwhile, the New York COVID surge may be easing: . WSJ: More: . But as we know, due to at-home testing and asymptomatic cases, current cases counts capture as few as 1/8 of current cases.

Today’s mass shootings: Chattanooga: 3 dead, 14 injured: . Philadelphia: 3 dead, 11 wounded: . Also, on Saturday, Phoenix: 1 dead, 8 injured: . And more shootings from NBC: . WSJ: More: . We now have to count (dehumanize) the dead just to keep up. The failure of the government to act is beyond obscene. I refuse to be desensitized to the horrific tragedies being perpetrated on Americans daily.

Please: (a) License gun owners. We have to go through a long process to drive a car, but we can buy a gun today with no restrictions, no training, and no follow-up? (b) Ban assault weapons. Owners of assault weapons tell me they’re fun at the shooting range. That is not an acceptable reason for anyone to own a weapon whose design purpose is assault on humans – that is, mass murder in war. (b1) If we can’t reinstate the ban, at least raise the purchase age to 25 or 21; (c) Ban large magazines. There are very few reasons for anyone to take more than three shots at a time. I see no reason for a magazine of over 10 rounds in private hands.

Will this solve every shooting? Absolutely not. But we must start. Pass reasonable measures and review with experience.

Meanwhile, the Senate negotiates the color of the deck chairs on the Titanic: . The GOP is screwed up, period.

Public January 6 hearings start this Thursday, June 9, at 8 pm Eastern: . More: . Meanwhile, Orange Julius forces plan on pushing back, although they don’t know what the committee will present: . Fact-free is now the norm for GOP behavior.

Another Russian general killed in Ukraine: .

Is Pope Francis considering resignation?: . It is difficult to imagine that there will be two retired Popes at the same time. If part of the job is talking to God, why would someone leave that job? Are they tired of talking to God?