News for April 2 — Should China Drop Mask Mandates?

Should China drop mask mandates?: . This expert puts himself in danger if China drops the mandate and another COVID wave hits …

Cancer patients choose less aggressive therapy: .

Moderate drinking not healthier: . Living near Oregon’s wine region, I’m well aware of the claims that resveratrol is heart-healthy. Here is the prior orthodoxy from the Mayo Clinic: . However, even before the latest study, alcohol was a well-recognized carcinogen. Also, the risks of alcohol abuse are well-known. Having a drink is certainly not a death sentence, but drinking because of a belief in a health benefit has become less reasonable.

Virus culprits in kids’ severe liver damage: . AAV2 has been suspected in this outbreak. However, three independent studies all conclude that AAV2 is present in over 90% of these cases, but needs helper viruses to invade cells.

WSJ: The coming decade of slow global growth: . The World Bank cites 3 factors: aging workforce, weakening investment and slowing productivity.                           

WSJ: Banking’s “hung debt”: . This is a different problem than Treasuries or the debt of large corporations, for which there are liquid markets. Leveraged buy-out debt is by definition riskier and more illiquid. However, since the players here are very large banks, this problem should work itself out over the next 18 months or less.

WSJ: Finland’s PM loses election as NATO membership nears: . Note that the 3 top parties all got about 20% of the vote. This is not a recipe for political stability.                                                                           

Asa Hutchinson announces GOP presidential bid: . He’s brighter than the average GOP politician, but in my view will have a tough time getting out of single digits. WSJ: More: .

DOJ has additional obstruction of justice evidence against Orange Julius: . That’s fine. Please indict the miserable so-and-so. It will take the pressure off Alvin Bragg and New York City. More: .

WSJ: OJ’s latest legal team: . If you have heard Mr. Tacopina on TV, he is not particularly impressive. This team may not do very well.

Lake Tulare just reappeared: . The atmospheric rivers that have been pounding California over the last few months has caused a lake to reappear. Lake Tulare was once the largest lake west of the Mississippi, but intentional drainage and diversion of the rivers feeding the lake for agricultural use caused the lake to disappear.

Not only has the lake reappeared, but the record snowpack is expected to continue to feed the lake through the summer. At its peak, Lake Tulare may well cover over 100,000 acres (about 156 square miles). That is an incredible amount of prime farmland which will be out of service for many months if not years. Prepare for ongoing produce price inflation.

Oil producers announce supply cuts: . This too will be inflationary. Good luck, Jerome Powell! WSJ: More: .

LSU dominates Iowa 102-85 for women’s NCAA national basketball championship: . Caitlin Clark was still spectacular in defeat, scoring 30 in the final for a total of 191 for the tournament, breaking the previous women’s tournament record of 177 and the men’s tournament record of 184. Clark also hit a record 8 3-pointers in the final, and had a record 60 assists for the tournament. She should have been named the tournament’s outstanding player. The new Name, Image, Likeness (NIL) rules came at a perfect time for her. She is likely to make more through endorsements next year at Iowa than any player in the women’s NBA. WSJ: More: .