News for October 17 — School Mask Mandate Defiance Encouraged

School mask mandate defiance encouraged by GOP congressman: . Among his lies were “they can’t close school”. Um, if there’s a COVID outbreak, they’ll close the school. What rock are you living under?

Judge limits unpaid leave for workers at Oak Ridge National Lab: .

AARP’s comparison of original Medicare and Medicare Advantage: . While this presents an alternate view of this comparison, my view is that it is not competently done. First, you can have a primary care physician under original Medicare. But more importantly, while AARP mentions a Medigap supplement to Medicare in passing, these policies often eliminate many of the cons described in this article. For example, Medigap policies often offer Silver Sneakers or Silver & Fit gym memberships.

The fundamental issue is whether you want freedom of choice in choosing your doctors and specialists, or whether you want to be limited to a network. As noted in my prior comments on this choice, at some point a senior will typically face a serious illness. Since you don’t know in advance what that illness or illnesses will be, how can you know whether a specific network has access to the top specialists you need? You don’t.

One would hope AARP’s income from UnitedHealthcare Medicare plans did not affect this content.

Japan’s sudden COVID success: . Japan’s vaccination campaign before the Olympics was after the US and European efforts. Beyond that, there is no obvious hypothesis for the sudden case decline.

WSJ: War stories on how to change jobs: .

China’s growth slowed by construction decline: . Note that Evergrande leads the major problems mentioned in this article. WSJ: More: . Somehow WSJ managed to report its estimate of 5.1% 15 hours after publication of the actual figure of 4.9% by AP. Then, after 8 more hours passed, WSJ published the 4.9% figure: .

WSJ: British police question suspect in stabbing death of Member of Parliament: . This article confirms earlier reporting that the suspect is a 25-year-old British citizen of Somali descent.