News for February 24 — Researchers Seek Natural COVID Cure

Researchers seek natural COVID cure: . Somebody got way too enthusiastic about this study. As the article notes, many things people eat contain ALA. Those dietary habits don’t cure or prevent COVID. It strikes me as conceivable that the study could lead to a method for ACE2 suppression that could lessen the severity of the disease in an infected patient. But cure? Not impossible, but very, very unlikely.

The human threat of bird flu: . It is wise to look at this obvious threat.

FDA grants EUA for at-home flu/COVID test: . That’s the good news. The bad news is that the FDA delay in granting approval may have contributed to the company’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing this week.

Moderna to pay royalties to FDA on COVID vaccine: . Moderna’s stock has dropped significantly recently. These payments apparently caused the company to miss its quarterly profit goals. Somebody in the finance department screwed up. More: .

CDC advisory group says not enough data to support more-frequent-than-annual COVID boosters: . I believe there is considerable data supporting this recommendation for the most COVID-vulnerable. As the article notes, the elderly and immunocompromised lose immunity protection more rapidly than other groups. They also dominate current COVID death statistics. COVID remains responsible for more than 100,000 American deaths annually. So what additional data is needed?

Also, their recommendation for a fall booster reflects the bias that COVID is a seasonal disease. The data refutes that bias.

US longevity improvements: A National Geographic newsletter today discussed centenarian status with some interesting comparative statistics. The newsletter contained an 1850 photograph of centenarian Conrad Heyer of Maine, considered to be the first person ever photographed. In 1750, when Heyer was born, the chance of a male living to 100 was 1 in 200. In contrast, today’s 5-year-olds have a 50% chance of living to 100. Also, their quality of life will be different, with an 82-year-old in their generation having similar health to today’s 60-year-old.

BlackRock “experts” realize the obvious: . Readers know that buying and holding short-term bonds to maturity has been advocated here for a long time. Both the stock market and long-term bonds are overvalued, as these experts finally realize.

WSJ: The problems with year-over-year economic measures: . While this point is quite obvious to data analysts, it is easy for others to forget. This absolutely can cause more wackiness in the stock market over the coming months. However, my view is that inflation will remain sticky despite this downward bias. We will see. More on inflation: . The comment here that supply chain disruption could morph into structural inflation is very much in line with the idea that inflation will be sticky. Airline profits: . Here’s another example of sticky inflation.

China’s supply chain problems: . The obvious beneficiary of China’s problems is India. And hey, the Indians speak English (it remains one of the country’s official languages).

WSJ: How the Ukraine war has affected the world: . On this first anniversary of the Russian invasion, many commentators have made these exact points. Still, it is useful to reflect on how profoundly this war has affected many aspects of our lives. More: The toll on Ukrainians: . The US does not suffer this level of death toll because we have more advanced weaponry.

Putin ally threatens Poland, NATO: . This saber-rattling is not helping. NATO would wipe the Russian military off the map fairly quickly.

WSJ: Will NATO move closer to Ukraine?: . Russia may view this as provocation. More: US aid to Ukraine: . Another round of sanctions against Russia: . More: .

WSJ: US discloses intelligence concerns about China supplying drones to Russia: . The disclosure of accurate US intelligence at the start of the war was devastating to Russia. The US appears to be returning to that strategy with China.

Ohio train derailment has caused massive fish die-off: . Not to be gruesome, but the number of dead fish is less than the number of human deaths in the Turkey-Syria earthquake.

Orange Julius’ mouth shoots him in the foot – again: . The only type of lawyer who wants a fool like this for a client is a lawyer seeking publicity. Otherwise, it’s the legal equivalent of running away to join the circus.

Fox Not-the-News in grave threat of losing Dominion lawsuit: . You hardly need to be a legal expert to see how damaging lying on the air can be. With rights come responsibilities; the First Amendment is not absolute.

Yes, Kevin McCarthy is an idiot: . This guy may be even dumber than Orange Julius. Do any of these clowns consider getting legal advice before these ridiculous stunts?

WSJ: Alex Murdaugh testimony continues: . The prosecution continued its pressure on the contradictions in Murdaugh’s statements and behavior.

West’s winter weather gets weirder: Blizzard alert for San Diego: . Things have also been off the charts in Portland. We had 11 inches of snow on Wednesday – the prediction was for ½ an inch. This is the second-largest daily snowfall in the city ever – the largest was over 80 years ago. Temperatures finally got briefly above freezing today, which helped clear the major streets of thick ice. But we have more potential snowfall Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

The West gets weirder: . This is not going to happen. The US Constitution requires the consent of both state legislatures, and the US Congress as well (Article 4, Section 3).

Will Bezos bid on Washington’s NFL team?: . Is this a conflict of interest with owning the Washington Post? Will the new team name be the Washington Postmen? Enquiring minds are mildly interested.

Goalkeeper stops fan’s attack, and wins the series as well: . There’s really no place in soccer for the WWE.