News for December 1 — Republican Senators Want China Travel Ban

Republican senators want China travel ban: . It’s too late, the illness has already entered the US.

Second US pediatric pneumonia outbreak: . Northern China and Northern Europe are also seeing outbreaks.

WSJ: Fifth Circuit orders Texas to remove barrier in Rio Grande: . The Fifth Circuit is very conservative, which tells you Texas’ legal position is completely off-the-wall.

WSJ: Evergrande tries to avoid liquidation: .

Israel resumes bombing Gaza as hostage deals end for now: . The week-long ceasefire has freed almost half of the hostages (105 of approximately 240). WSJ: Hamas gains support in West Bank: .

WSJ: Israel will hunt Hamas leaders worldwide: . They mean it, and they have the means to carry it out.

US sends bunker-buster bombs to Israel: WSJ: . This is our plan to limit civilian casualties? Good luck with that …

Out, out damn spot – and don’t come back: House expels George Santos: . As usual, the House demonstrates there are incompetents on both sides of the aisle. On the Democratic side, 210 voted – 206 voted to expel, 2 voted no, and 2 voted present. Presumably the last 4 will need to explain their vote to their constituents. On the Republican side, 217 voted – 105 voted to expel, while 112 voted not to expel. However, the Speaker and the GOP leadership all voted not to expel. So, about half of the House GOP members told the new Speaker to stick it. The other half belong to the usual basket of deplorables.

Clearly, Santos should have been tossed a long time ago. There will be a special election within the next 3 months, and the Democrats will likely pick up this seat. The (Republican) Chairman of the House Ethics Committee introduced the motion to expel. The GOP leadership’s position can only be explained as, let’s not further strain our thin majority. That is corrupt as hell. One hopes the voters will make these disgusting losers pay with their seats. Meanwhile, the Journal chooses to look the other way: .

In other disgusting loser news, a DC Circuit panel rules unanimously that Orange Julius can be sued over the January 6 attacks: . Easy case. You’re not acting in your presidential capacity to exhort a mob to overthrow a valid election result. Lock him up. WSJ: More: . OJ is just trying to delay the trials with these ridiculous legal arguments.

OJ : Still crazy after all these years: . So the appeals court reinstates the gag order and OJ immediately violates it. Judge Engoron said he would rigorously and vigorously enforce the order. The previous fine of $10,000 had no effect. How about $250,000 this time?

The bold squatters: . Is this a situation where the homeowner died and there were no heirs? It’s hard to understand how these people got away with this for 15 years.

“Lost” Botticelli worth at least $100 million found in Italian home: . So how do you lose track of a $100 million asset? Shouldn’t the family just sell this to the government for $100 million if they have valid title, or is the title restricted? In Italian, “Somma” means “sum”. Certainly, the painting commands a princely sum.

Heartbreak in Vegas: Washington beats Oregon by 3 again: . With 2 minutes to go in the first half, Washington was up 20-3 and was looking to blow out the Ducks. Bo Nix leads Oregon to a touchdown in 90 seconds. Then, Nix and Oregon open the second half with two more, and Oregon is up 24-20.

But Washington gets two more touchdowns and slow plays the ball to get up 34-24 with 2½ minutes to go. Oregon comes back with a spectacular one-play catch and run touchdown, and tries an onside kick, which goes out of bounds. Washington runs out the clock for a 34-31 win. They deserved the hard-fought victory. Dammit.

Sandra Day O’Connor passes at 93: . Justice O’Connor was indeed the swing vote on the Court for much of her tenure. While I don’t agree with most of her jurisprudence, she was certainly an exceptionally bright person and her integrity was beyond question, in contrast to the conservatives on the Court today. O’Connor went out on a date with William Rehnquist during their time at Stanford Law School, which does raise questions about her judgment even in her early days in the law. More: . WSJ: More: . Still more: .