News for November 29 — Record COVID Hospitalizations in Michigan

Record COVID hospitalizations in Michigan: . And this, of course, has nothing to do with Omicron. THE PANDEMIC IS NOT OVER. More: .

US school closures continue over COVID effects: .

WSJ: Vaccine makers evaluate Omicron: .

WSJ: Omicron speeds booster implementation: .

Federal health worker vaccine mandate blocked in 10 states: . As readers know, I believe the federal mandates are legal. Furthermore, in my view the US response to the pandemic suffered from the initial failure of the federal government to exercise any leadership in this area. However, an appeal seems likely.

Administration delays action against unvaccinated federal workers until January: .

WSJ: Vaccine dose timing debate: . This is worth study post-pandemic, but not now. As the article notes, the mRNA vaccines require at least two doses. As we are in a pandemic, more rapid administration of the second shot is called for. When protection wanes, a booster is administered. Post-pandemic, timing can be studied, but right now participants in a study would be exposed to unjustifiable risks to delay dosages.

WHO warns of “very high risk” from Omicron: . This article contains a glaring error from a so-called “expert”. Dr. Hatchett, one of the founders of COVAX, says that Omicron’s emergence verifies “in a precise way” scientific prediction that COVID would evolve in areas of low vaccination. But the huge number of mutations in Omicron strongly indicates that the evolution occurred within an immunocompromised person, not through transmission. It is just appalling that anyone familiar with the science would not understand that. This reflects badly on the UN and WHO.

More spread of Dr. Hatchett’s misinformation: . Dr. Hatchett, please shut the hell up. You are not helping.

WSJ: Omicron extends Asia travel restrictions: .

“Current” travel restrictions by country: . There appear to be problems with some of information. For example, the US banned travelers from southern Africa on Friday, effective today. CNN itself is reporting on the ban: .

WSJ: Great Resignation update: .

Senators negotiating on debt ceiling standoff: .

Global stock markets remain mixed despite US Monday bounce: .