News for September 7 — COVID-19 Autumn Surge

WSJ: Really diabolical coronavirus: . Part of WSJ’s ongoing series, this article examines some of the unusual adaptations of the virus. We learn that bats are considered a natural reservoir for viruses because they hibernate, allowing them to survive surges in metabolism. An estimated 800 million viruses rain onto every square meter of the planet every day; 219 species of virus can infect humans. About 20% of COVID-19 cases are severe (I interpret the article to be referring to cases rather than infections).

Here is a link to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center: . Of particular interest to actuaries is their summary of mortality rates: . The obvious issue, of course, is lack of confidence that the data accurately represents either the numerator or denominator of the calculation. An important factor in India’s low mortality rate (see India item below) is the low average age of its population.

Experts predict US COVID-19 autumn surge: .

CanSino vaccine falls behind other frontrunners as shipment of vials to Canada held up in customs: .

Another federal official questions Trump’s vaccine timeline: . Good details here on how the trial mechanics do not suggest a shortened timeline for trial results.

Supply shortages now affecting other US medical testing, including urinary tract infections, gonorrhea, and lung infections for cystic fibrosis patients: .

New York state infection rate below 1% for 30 days: .

More on Maine wedding superspreader event: .

WSJ: US, global round-up: .

WSJ: Are colleges creating new risks by sending people home?: . And what about school buses?: .

COVID-19 toll on long-haulers: (link replaced 11/22/20).

WSJ: Readers share experiences with elderly during pandemic: .

Privilege and discomfort: the mask-wearing debate: .

Predictions on how COVID-19 will affect American travel: .

COVID-19 expenditure tracker: . There’s also an interactive data table.

WSJ: Americans reinvent fall: .

Relief package stalemated on state and local aid: . Federal aid is not a blue state bailout, as all states are suffering revenue decline relative to their budgets. Mathematical proof to follow (see next item).

Oil and gas: Nowhere to Labor: . To recap, oil and gas is the backbone of Wyoming’s economy and at one point operating rigs went to zero. Thus, tax revenue must suffer. Ergo, here’s a very red state that needs federal aid. Thus, any federal aid is not a blue state bailout. QED.

WSJ: Another viewpoint on relief package negotiations: .

Clean continuing resolution?: . It is surprising that the continuing resolution would not be used as political pressure regarding the stimulus bill; however we hardly need more unnecessary disruption in the federal government in 2020.

Does stock market performance during the 1918 pandemic predict the current market during coronavirus?: . No. There has been massive Fed intervention this time around, which has been the key to market support so far.

WSJ: 4 million parents could leave workforce to teach during home schooling: .

WSJ: Ground Zero workers hit hard by COVID-19: . These numbers don’t seem that surprising, given (1) the severity of the pandemic in New York City; (2) the current average age of these workers; and (3) the underlying lung conditions of these workers.

WSJ: UK gambles on end of government COVID-19 support: .

Spain: Lessons for the world from their second wave: . Contrary to the link, the sub-headline notes the key was the failure to get testing up and running on a timely basis.

WSJ: Israel’s plan to flatten latest surge: .

Argentina: Professor collapses and dies in front of virtual class: .

India has overtaken Mexico with the second-highest number of cases worldwide: . As is common, this article equates infections and cases; cases are a subset of infections, specifically reported infections. My latest estimate for the US is that infections are 5 to 20 times the number of cases. In India, there is a scarcity of testing, and there are significant variations in death reporting data from state to state: . To understand these statistics, India has 28 states and 8 union territories. Ranked by population, Maharastria is 2nd (112.4 million); Tamil Nadu is 6th (72.1 million); Karnataka is 8th (61.1 million); and Delhi, the largest union territory, would be 19th (16.8 million), for a total of 262.4 million, or 21.7% of India’s population of 1,210.6 million as of 2011: .

WSJ: Singapore: Quarantine hotel lottery: . And for those who don’t win – 6 steps to the wall.

Pets gain pandemic pounds: . Can you get COVID-19 from your pet?: . Can you get pandemic pounds from your pet?

“Jeopardy” back next week: . As Alex Trebec is in chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer, he is presumably immune-compromised – the increased social distancing is wise for several reasons.

WSJ: Why there was college football during the 1918 pandemic: . We also have a much clearer understanding of the mechanisms of virus disease transmission than in 1918: .

Football: Redskins name is out, what about “cotton pickers”?: . In the Pacific Northwest, the high school team name in Richland, Washington, where they used to make the plutonium triggers for atomic bombs, is the Bombers, and the school symbol is a mushroom cloud. . In Orofino, Idaho, for many years the location of the state mental hospital, the high school teams are called the Maniacs. . And yes, the school colors are black and blue, and white.